I took 4 hydrocodone last night got a nice relaxing buzz then went to sleep and had amazing dream recall had a LD and a bunch of very vivid ND’s. it seems to me that it made me more aware in my dreams. if only I had more… and I probably wont ever get any more unless I break my leg or some thing.
whats hydrocodone
lol. it’s a pain pill.
So, does it cause pain?
it does work, as it also worked for me and any pain pill for that matter, especially best for the WILD technique…
I wouldn’t recomemned abusing pain killers though. If you have a pain, use it as an opertunity.
yeah seriously. Don’t abuse them.
i agree with them, cause i am already a junkie, i’ve taken WAY too many pills and now im an addict…
[color=indigo]hydrocodone is a synthetic opiate, brand name vicodin. I’ve had that before, I prefer oxycodone though, it’s more powerful and with vicodin i get a weird feeling i don’t like very much after. Like a sort of hangover. I’ve been self-researching the help of pain-killers and ld-ing for months now and I really don’t think they do anything for my LD’s. They do deffinitly make my dreams much more enjoyable. I mean when i have a normal dream it’s in a normal place like my house or my town or someplace. When I have a dream after taking painkillers I notice that it’s always in a really nice looking place, the grass seems greener, the sun is always out, painkillers cause improvement in mood which explains this.
I think alprazolam would help more if it wasn’t for the loss of memory that comes with it.[/color]
alprozolam is just the generic xanax, it has more filler than xanax too which probably ads to the memory loss, since xanax is the more pure form i would try that over the less powerful and generic alprozolam, but valium is recommened over both anyway…kids dont try this please
Man. I really hope you guys arent seriously using these substances for this.
Adverse effects aside - you will never have real control in dreamstate if you are on them.
Geeze, I hate to even say anything 'cause its none of my business. But you guys know that all forms of benzos and opiates, including the generics, cause you to develope a tolerance, some people faster than others,and a physical addiction(if not a psychological one), Right? Withdrawal from bezo’s is great for having seizures and DT’s,. Opiate wd isn’t normally life threatening but it’s hell to go through. And you can always become dangerously dehydrated from all the puking and diarrhea. Never mind the risk you take of suppressing your breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure by just taking them. OK, sorry just had to get that off my chest. Oh and ps what you think you feel and see while your high isn’t really what’s there, your actually missing the good parts.