hypnagogic experiences in normal daily activity....zoning?

has anyone out there had hypnagogic experiences in normal daily life activity - i’m not talking about lying in bed trying to fall asleep with eyes closed - what happens is i zone out and stare at a carpeted floor, or the windshield of a van, or the sky - and i start seeing things…

it always happens to me when i’m not thinking about it…sometimes i start seeing faces, people, almost like a movie. they are moving around, and sometimes it feels like the camera is zooming in and out - very strange.

the visions are always cloudy, but they are there and very real to me. i can’t control it at all - when i try to do it on command it doesn’t work…i’d like to get to the point where i could do this on demand - kinda like pay-per-view at zero cost…while awake yet zoning…maybe zoning is the key?

danny viper

Hey dannyviper.

I have somewhat the same, however I can kind of switch it on/off (depending on my focus). It’s pretty funny actually. At times it is controllable too, but that more often happens when I lay in bed falling asleep. I think the more you do this, and the more often you “play around” with it, the better your control will be. Could be usefull for WILD too :smile:.