Hypnagogic Jerks

Does anyone else get these when trying to use the WILD technique?

“Hypnagogic jerks occur as a natural part of muscular transition; or that as a subject falls asleep, their muscles begin to relax and cease working, causing the brain to believe that the body must be falling through air. It is thought that this causes people to thrash their limbs in an attempt to catch something or turn oneself upright (wiki).”

Usually every time I try to WILD, I get sudden twitches in my muscles (I believe these are the Hypnagogic Jerks). Since I have yet to even get a lucid dream, I’m wondering if anyone gets these jerks when trying to WILD and if they interrupt the process of getting control in dreams while using the WILD technique.

I know that if you aren’t laying almost perfectly still while WILDing, it won’t work, so I’m just curious on if these jerks cause the same effect and if I should just give up WILDing and try a different technique.

They occur 5-10 minutes after laying down and I can’t seem to even get to the ‘intense vibrating’ stage of WILDing. Any help?

I get these sometimes, i’ll be trying to WILD, and I suddenly receive a strong sensation of tripping coupled with HI of me loosing my balance on a sidewalk or something. Usually its my leg that jerks upwards, and it makes me lose trance. However, it doesn’t happen every time, and I’d suggest you keep trying WILD.

Try focusing on your breathing and not too much on the HI. This will cause the HI to actually get stronger, and when you can see it clearly, start gazing beyond the HI, not directly at it.

This happens to me all the time too. To avoid it, you have to stretch your muscled really well.

Happened to me once. Only I wasn’t trying WILD, but to stay awake. Gave me a bit of a scare but other than that, it was pretty cool.

Happens to me too, and quite frequently, at that. I really need to learn to stretch before any attempt :tongue:

Pretty much every time I go to sleep. I just try and ignore it, but also use it as a positive sign that I’m drifting off.

Oh, that’s what that was! :happy: This happens to me all the time, I never knew why. I also get that feeling of tripping and my leg or whole body jerks, I get kinda freaked but I laugh on the inside because it is kinda funny. I think the reason why this happens to me so often is cause I try WILDing every night. I’m going to start stretching before I go for it next time.
Thanks for the post, toxic :smile:

I had the biggest one last night. I was just relaxing and suddenly with no warning my entire leg jumped half a meter up in the air, no exaggeration! It was pretty scary, especially for my teddy bear :grin: My leg landed centimeters from his face :tongue: