Hypnagogic sounds? anyone?

Yes it is odd, not everyone seems to get them, many times when I try to WILD i don’t see them either. Strangely I used to get them when I started out. I find I can sometimes get it if I focus on the blackness I can see more than what I am doing in trying to WILD.

I find that you have to be in a certain state, it is very close to being asleep (for me at least) and very often after getting these sounds I fall asleep. [Never had music, but it sounds great! Mostly just random voices, saying random things.]

I think the best way to conjure them up and increase the length of them would be to get into that stage and maintain it. This probably isn’t too helpful, as I don’t know how you would maintain it and my WILD technique may not work for you. All I could suggest would be to think back about what you were doing when you did have it, and if that fails to look for other WILD techniques that you feel may work for you. :smile:

I seem to always get the sounds, I’m not sure how to describe them. Maybe like somebody hitting a metal pot with a wooden hammer underwater?
But they aren’t in my ears, they’re in the back of my head. Sometimes they get so violent that they bring me back to full waking in an instant.
It’s the same sort of noises I hear when I get sleep paralysis, which I used to get all the time when I was younger.
Sometimes I hear screams and people shouting my name, that can get kind of freaky!

Last time I had a feeling in my ears like I was very deep underwater, almost if my ears where full of water ^^ even though my ears felt like no sound could come to it, I still heard some random stuff.

Paus, that sounds pretty similar to what I get, It kinda sounds like when you duck your head underwater in a swimming pool, the sounds become dull and muted, even a bit warped, it’s almost like when your jet lagged and falling asleep and everything sounds much further away than it should do.

Indeed. And I also notice that usually when you think about anything during the hyponogogic state, you tend to forget it VERY easily, even if you try to recall what you just thought about a minute later.

I had almost finished WILDing this morning when a loud ‘BAM!’ woke me up. It scared the hell out of me.

It always freaks me out when that happens.

Mine always comes with a jolt too, just to make it extra freaky!

I kept on getting them last night which sucked, still managed to DILD in the end instead, I wonder if this is the reason?

ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t … &&start=60

Magik is yummy.

I have baked magick cakes myself : P

To those who get the loud type, how do you manage to stay calm when they occur?

Unfortunately I very rarely do, I can stay calm through most of it but the big bangs always get me, makes it really difficult for me to WILD

That happens to me mostly when I’m not WILD ing, and it is ALWAYS extremely loud crashes RIGHT next to my bed. Needless to say that scares me and wakes me up…

I’ve had these “crashed” too, but it mostly happens when I slip into a ND.

Im gonna figure out a way to record hypnogogic sounds. Ill put them in the Flash Film :happy:

I heard a new one yesterday: the noise of closets being opened and closed a few times in a row.

As awesome as that would be (and it would be a hella freaky film) I don’t think you can record noises that are just in your head!

I dont hear things…

But I do see dead people.

All the time.

They dont know theyre dead.


Are they walking around like regular people?


Are you being serious or not? Coz if you are I may have some advice, and if you’re not then neither am I and I totally don’t see dead people :wink:

In fact, the world seems populated by walking dead people. Ive never actually checked their pulse or anything, but im pretty sure their dead!

In fact, I havent seen a living person since… ooh…

Hey! Your not one of them… Are you? :huh:

It’s entirely possible, I haven’t been to the doctors recently so i might well have passed away, how does one check these things?

Oh yeah, pulse, now if I can just find it…

Oh dear…

I have hypnogogic voices almost every night as I fall asleep. Very often they are family members voices, and sometimes a voice I from my past that I hadn’t heard for many years. They usually say quick two- or three-word phrases, without a whole lot of apparent meaning. My mother and my next-older brother are fairly frequently represented.

I actually have gotten used to this enough that I kind of like it as it lets me know I am soon to be dreaming. I can actually spur them on a bit as well, which is interesting… I just put myself in a certain state of mind, and let them start.

Last night i heard…"My name here…Your going to fail WILD. And that scared me so bad i couldindt do it. :bored: