Hypnogogic effect, or OOBE?

I do really need some help with this recent experiences of mine.
Some two weeks from the very beginig of my intents for LD, I tried WBTB, and after a while there was a noice coming from everywhere, and vibrations trought my body. I felt that my arms and legs are somehow lifiting up from bed, and my hartbeating was so fast that I could hardly breath. After about 10 minutes the fear was so hi, that I stoped everything, and finali got out of the bed.
In past three weeks it hepened three times more, with addition that last time I felt that I realised myslef from my body, not flying over it, but rolled aside, :spinning: near the bed. In that state, I tryed to open my eyes, but could’nt. :sadyes:
So, can somebody tell me what is it? Is it hypnogogic effect, or is it a first step to OOBE-s?

noise coming from everywhere are common , they are HI.

Vibration and heart fasting is symptom of OBE.

But its the same symptom as trying to do a WILD. Or you could feel them sometime when your sleeping half asleep mind a little awake.

The only difference is if you try a exit method you could do a OBE

Id say you were close to an OBE. Good luck with that, I have yet to just consciously leave my body.

Just don’t make the mistake of mistaking a WILD for an OBE. Check which you are experiencing, simply by carefully observing the world around you.

So, what are you saying is that there is like crossroad in HI, where you can enter either a LD or OOBE? That is something new for me.
I forgot to mention that I didn’t try any particular technic whatsoever. After I come back to bed, I just relaxed, and let myself to fall to sleep. After first avekening (from those lihgt dreams which often heppened in the morning), I tryed conseunsly reenter in scene from previous dream. That attempt caused all those simptoms that I allready describe.

Ya, I think when you reach the point where you can enter an LD, you could exit your body instead.

Thats very true, you can even go from an LD into an OBE. Just kinda scare yourself really hardcore, I like to fall from a very high place, then just like let go of everything and be. You should just find yourself back in bed and ready to hop on OOB.

Yeah you could with a HI , but I was more thinking about WILD .

Last night I tryed to do WILD. In that proces, again my hart start to beat so loud and fast, that almost prevent me from breathing. That scared me, allright, and prevent me from further attempts. Anyone had similar problem? And if so, how do you deal with it? :bored:

Ive been there, and well it is scarry. But when you get back to normal and your body is still kinda asleep just lay there and relax and you should be able to leave your body, thats been my experience with it at least.

All this can be experienced by WILD’ers. Fast heartbeating and difficulties to breath have been experienced many times. You can find such descriptions in the BIG WILD topic. You don’t have to fear them. I think fast heartbeating will stop if you relax well. And breath difficulties are due to the fact that your breathing is getting into “automatic mode”. Same thing about your eyelids you couldn’t open. It seems you reached quite easily a sort of sleep paralysis stage.

You were quite lucid dreaming. Your HH are mainly cenesthetic (dream body sensations) thus it seems your own way of entering a LD will look like an OOBE. Try to spin around your axis or roll out of your bed when you are in such a state.

I recently resurected the “Are OOBE’s LD’s?” thread in the Quest subforum. You can read there the very interesting discussions between Xetrov and Popov about the possible difference between OOBE’s and LD’s.

Why do you say spinning in your axis while in the bed ?

What will it bring ? A OBE ?

They are two well known methods when you feel you’re floating in your bed but don’t see anything. Of course, you don’t do this physically but with your dream body! And it’s OBE-like cause you will generally find yourself in your bedroom.

Yes, but at the time you do it it is just like you actually moving out of your bed. I usually have a hard time distincting reality from an OBE for that one reason.

Dont confuse FA with OBE…

Ok… :tongue:

I suppose you should perform a RC once you’re out of your bed. :wink:

Eh, I have over come the problem, Im more or less stating how realistic it is, thanks for the advise just the same though. As with OBE’s vs FA’s, there is a very fine line between an OBE and an LD so really, if you were to look at your bed and see your body in a FA than it would basically be an OBE.