Hypnogogic Stage Tips

Help! I neeed help learning about the hypnogogic stage! :help: :cry:

What do you want to know? If you use the “search” button on the top of the forum, and search for “hypnagogic” or “HI”, you will find a lot of info. :cool:

how long does it last?

Was it you I was talking to in the chatroom? :cool: It is very different from person to person, and for me it is different from time to time. It depends on how tired I am, how much noise there is in the background etc. I would say it lasts for a few minutes, but in that state it is difficult to perceive time, it often feels like a longer time than it is.

At risk of being modded, and I honestly mean no offense to anyone, is the change over from hypnogogic stages to dreaming using the WILD method somewhat like a drug trip?

I believe I have had a LD, though only a short one, and I unfortuantly woke up. When recording that dream, I noted that it did not feel like a dream at all, but felt more like some sort of ‘trip’. The dreams for the rest of the night were not lucid, and were very dreamlike and familiar in how they felt…


wow, are you a computer? (modded…)

(in other words /me doesent get it…)

Maroon_5 that differs from person to person!