Hope I have the terms correct. Why do these hypnopompic after waking images look to be burned into the retina?
If I wake up after sun up, ambient room light interferes with them so I cup my hands over my eyes so room light doesn’t interfere with seeing them. But here’s the weird part. The images act like they are temporarily burned into the retina, the same as if you look out of the window of a darkened room and watch the image as you return to the dark. If I blink they will appear negative, same as a burned in image. I didn’t think dream images burned into the retina! I also can’t look around the image. It’s fixed, again just as if it were temporarily burned in.
To understand how I see these images try this experiment. Get a camera with a flash or just a manual flash unit and go into a darkened room. For best effect let your eyes get used to the dark for a little while. Then hold your hand about a foot away from your face, eyes wide open and flash your hand. Stay in the dark and watch as you “see” your hand appear. Keep watching and notice how it turns negative. Also notice you can’t look around the hand as the image is fixed in position, temporarily etched onto the retina. After a few minutes the image fades away.
This is approximately how I see those wonderfully amazing hypnogogic/hypnopompic images.
This is kind of related I guess, but I recently awoke from a nightmare. I forced myself awake, but even after I opened my RL eyes, the image of the thing that was chasing me lingered in mid-air (IRL!) for about three seconds before it faded away.
Isnt it both? Like the monster from the dream is created by your mind, while the enviroment you see is perfectly real? Like the monster is overlapping your “real” vision. Which also i think is the same case with SPs with hallucinations… like dream and real vision is blended into eachother.
Yes, Jeff is right. Eyes are only a tool to help us to see. We see it with our consciousness. It is the thing that process the visual datas that our eyes send. It even interprets the data and arranges it so we can “see.” Therefore, our eyes are only a tool for our consciousness to process.
I must say i envy that.Is it allways like this or just sometimes?Why would that be?I wouldnt mind seeing images this way after i wake.Btw…do you get them on the other times?
Go into your bathroom, close the door, make sure it’s completley dark. Stand by the lightswitch so you can see your arm, flip it on for a few seconds, then turn it off. A second later you will see everything you just saw. Then move your arm and it will appear to just stay in the same place. This is the same effect that the other dude is takling about. It’s quite cool, you can look in any direction and you’ll only see your arm and the sink (or whatever you happened to be lookming at when you flipped the lights on).
You must be in the darkness for a while (maybe 10 min or more if you want strong effect, then 30 min… yes, I was bored… I experimented a lot with this long time ago… don’t ask me why or where I got that idea )before you switch the light back on for few seconds. Also do not move your eyes when you turn the light on or it’ll mess your “renderness” image up. It’s always cool to see after-effect image… ghosty-like… hehehe.
From what i understand, jeff said it was all in made by mind/conscious and no info/data at all being recieved from eyes?
I had my tv on once being in SP, and manages to watch what was on it, though i had some visual hallucination during that time… sure enough, the same on the tv as i broke out of it… “michael jackson - thriller/murder on the dancefloor” or whatever that vid is called…
This proved for me that i was both in half dream stage and still was able to see the real world with my physical eyes, though it was mixed with images from the dreamworld. So it was not just a emulation of the real world i was seeing.
So what i really meant was that upon awakening you can sometimes still see dreamimages, while at the same time recieving image of the real world, while in dreams you only see with your mind and not with your eyes at all.
But yeah, eyes are just a tool
The best i could explain with my limited english knowledge… hope you understand what i meant.
I see OOBES exactly the same way.As a mix of those two-reality and dream scenery.Thats why i usually dont think any experiment with OOBES would work as its usually just very similar state to what Tomas described.
that was bit out of topic but it brought it to my mind.
Being a photographer I’m thinking up an analogy where the eye is the lens, the retina the film and the visual cortex part of the brain is the developer. But the visual cortex seems to be much more than that. How it turns the upside down image our eye produces back the right way up has got me beat!
yeah the same is for hallucinations…those are strongly visual cortex and memory related and not realy on your retina. they look like their in front of you but they are not…pure illusion.
The brain is a beautiful thing
I don’t know ever this is advisable but press your eyes and hold untill you see a bright light. Let go, open your eyes and a donut shaped yellow thing will follow you for a while. (Don’t worry it wares off after a ew minuets)