Found an interesting link, it tests how receptive you are to hypnosis. I did see strange things but my hand didn’t grow it just looked really blurred and generally freaky. I almost did a RC , now that I think about it I should have done one, stupid me.
My hand growed! And I saw a lot of colors, they changed evry few seconds. There was also a shadow in the spiral, like al little spider was in it. Did you see such things too?
The first times I looked at my hand I could only see lines because I only concentrated on the lines. But if I look at my hands they do appear to grow. And I could see a hint of color.
Here’s another link that have some strange things to look at. I suppose some of them can be used to test your receptiveness to hypnosis. Otherwise they are just freaky to look at.
On image number 7 on the top row, can you see both the cube without the corner and the cube in the corner. I found out that I can switch between the two about once/sec if I “will” it to change.
I’ve actually posted this before on the forum for people to download. The spiral was the “stephen King hand” 20secs really isn’t long enough for it to imprint but hey…
Look at is for 50seconds and i would be surprised if someone said they had no effects.
You should stare at it for a few minutes and then close your eyes. It’s like a big flower with hundreds of coloured petals opening itself
i was number 5.!!!
I just thought that it would be nice thing to have available on cd or a tape so it can be displayed on tv screen.Hehe ,maybe mad idea but…
does any of you know if it can be somehow done?
Like turning it into svcd or something that home video system can run?Just shooting,but i know theres lots of smart people here,maybe u got some idea.
C.mon, you should really consider getting the warp my mind files to hypnotize yourself into having lucid dreams. Search around for them. As for me… level 1. Surprise surprise. Sigh…
I got to level 5. Man, I felt like I was being sucked into that tunnel then there was a rays-like beginning to grow at the end.
When I saw my hand, it had pink, yellow, and blue glow (changing colors). My hand looked like it was bloosming like a lotus flower. It was beautiful. Lol.
Or like use a video image capture tool to record it then use something like movie maker to make it as long as you like, then say using your TV card conect your puter to the video and tape it - or burn it on a CD?
Yes Jack quite easily
infection i had a look at that site, got the lucid one but im bit confused on what im ment todo. do i just listen to it when ever? or do i listen to it in bed and try and get deeply relaxed and let him put me to sleep and talk to me subconciously?
No, you’re supposed to stay conscious during the hypnosis session, but you’re supposed to concentrate and listen to his suggestions (you can’t be distracted… doing it when everyone is all around isn’t gonna do you any good) and you should try that for a set time (4:00? bedtime??) for a few days. If you’re really easy to hypnotize, you should notice results. During hypnosis you don’t have to feel any different but you have to concentrate on his voice and follow anything he wants you to do like close your eyes or relax or anything. If you’re countering the file by thinking “this is stupid” or “this isn’t gonna work” it probably won’t. Gotta be confident.
Oh i love this thing I have it saved on my computer from one of my friends who sent it to me. I always look at it for like 2 minutes and then look around the room, the walls move and things grow and i see colors. It reminds me of the begginning of a shroom trip but only for a few seconds. It works really good with me, like maybe the number 5 on the evaluation. I’m not interested in hypnotism though, and deffinitly not $98 hypnotism.
I can see coulours, and a kind of spirograph shape behind the spiral, but my hand did nothing, and after I stopped looking at the spiral it was normal
There is a program that you can download that will display a similar spiral fullscreen. After staring at that for some time It gives you the same visual distortions that this does, but IMO they are more vivid.
It is called the LSD spiral, and I believe it can be found somewhere at
my eyes are vrey very bad with motion
but… i can still see the spiral imprinted as an after image on anything i look at for a second
when i looked at my hand i saw a spiral on it briefly… maybe a bit of a haze, didn’t last long.
so i tried it again, stared more intently… saw some pink over my hand.
i’m not really good at those kinds of things though… if it were some sort of other mind trick, maybe.
I have windows XP and I can not get the program to open. Any one else have problems with it?
You aren’t necessarily supposed to see your hand “grow”. There are just visual distortions. You If you look around at your wall or something, it may look like it is “breathing” or slightly shifting. It isn’t any sort of inebriation, just slight visual distortion that passes quickly.
I’ve tried to do this before, when I had WXP, and it wouldn’t work for me at first, then it suddenly decided it would work…don’t know why it did this, so I’m sorry I can’t help!
Here is my Fav. illusion