Hypnosis: The stepping Stone to lucid dreams

I just installed it and gave it a test drive. I have to say that I’m pleasantly surprised. The synthesized voice is a little choppy on my PC, but it’s effective.

My plan is to tweak the lucid dream induction script that I have, and use it with Virtual Hypnotist to try to increase the frequency of my lucid dreams.

hey man looks cool ill give it a try

hey once you do that can u put it online for us that arent that smart. lol

I will try to post it. First, the script needs a lot of tweaking. Right now, it’s mostly an adaptation of copywritten material, so I couldn’t post it as is.

I’ve tried Virtual Hypnotist a couple more times since my initial attempts. Right now the major issue I’m having is doing it in a chair that is unfortunately not very comfortable. I need to work out those logistics just a bit.

I found a cool site for this:


It has a FREE 30 minute hypnosis download for “inner peace”. I did it last night and it made me feel sooo high. Unbelievable.

The rest of the files need to be payed for.

Darxide – I will have to check that out. I’m always looking for good hypnosis downloads.

Me too. The hypnotist is hot too! :smile: woot!

After months of searching, I finally found a decent hypnotic induction script for lucid dreaming. You will have to piece this together with a script to enter into hypnosis and deepen it (which can probably be found on the same site).

Here is the link to the script:

mindchanginghypnosis.com/2006/03 … of-dreams/

looks like there’s some pretty cool sites on here. I’m definitely gonna try one. I seem to get into the deepest trance when it’s from a recorded voice, and not self-hypnosis or an actual person (probably easier to trust a recording). It seems like hypnosis is like autosuggestion, except more effective because you’re consciouss mind is quieted so your unconscious is able to recieve the message better.

Does anyone think it would be over kill do try hypnosis, autosuggestion, meditation, RC all at once, and that it might actually make you less likely to LD? (perhaps this isn’t the best place for this question, seeing as there’s not much action and it’s a little off topic, but oh well)

What is Dr. LaBerge’s newest book? I’m kinda out of the loop on these types of things.