HYPOTHESIS: Lucid dreaming and hypnosis

This theory looks logical, but I’m not sure it could be proven here.
Hypnosis uses the same mechanism, that “switches off” our criticism during the dream. So people, who have many natural LDs, must have this mechanism less active, so they can also be not hypnotizable. But all methods of voluntary inducing LDs include some form of hypnosis or self-hypnosis. So highly hypnotizable people will have more LDs, too. These two opposite rules will result in zero correlation, or even negative correlation, because more people practice LDing at will, than often have them unexpectedly.

r3m0t, interesting theory.

I fall into the camp of people who are only slightly hypnotizable, but I’ve had modest success with lucid dreaming over the years.

I think people skilled at RCing and DILDs would be the types of people with skeptical minds who have trouble with hypnosis. Maybe people who are great hypnotic subjects would do better with WILD’s.

I’ve found r3m0t post very interesting. I’ve some comments to add about some points :

  • about rational explanations of unrational actions. It’s related with lack of communication between the brain hemispheres, for instance, it can be scientifically observed when a corpus callosum dammage exists. Some experiments have be done with hysteric or accidentally lobotomized people, similar to those related by r3m0t with hypnotized people.
  • about hypnosis, self hypnosis. Hypnosis, self hypnosis, autosuggestion are basically the same phenomenon. As Placebo says, “self hypnosis is completely voluntary, as is hypnosis… however a hypnotist can push you to your limits.” And I would say that people are hypnotized many times a day : when driving a car, looking at the TV or a fire, etc. Hypnosis is just a relaxed state in which your consciousness threshold is lower than usual.
  • about dreamsigns which don’t trigger lucidity : I’ve made some exercices about that, wondering why I didn’t realize it was a dream. This can be done only when you just wake up and remember a dream, thus dream feelings and emotions are still present. I realized that I prefered to experience a dream situation rather than understanding it was an illusion, because I liked the emotion related to. IMO, the false explanation you can give after that is just a justification of your choice.

everybody can be hypnotised it just takes longer to go under the influence of hypnosis than others. :cool:

I dunno about that. I can put my friend into a trance using a pocketwatch in a matter of minutes, but my GF cannot be hypnotised, and I’ve tried about 2 or three techniques too. That doesn’t mean to say they cannot use self hynosis though, I’ve found that self hynosis and hypnosis by a second part are actually quite different.
Only about 10 % of the population is truely deeply hypnotizable anyway.

Your talking about the Criticul Faculty. The thing is, Hypnosis doesn’t use this, it turns it off, so that you’re more open to suggestion. In this light, posthypnotic suggestion mya be quite powerful for inducing LDs.
What you said about people who LD occasionally who have a lowered criticul faculty is a bit premature.
I would say that a person who LDs at will has a very active Criticul Faculty, and person who can LD from time to time’s would be a little less active, and a person who cannot LD or only LDs occasionally would have the Criticul Faculty with the lowest degree of activation…during REM sleep that is :wink:

:shy: Maybe, first of all it was premature to post anything at such an intellectual forum without even knowing the language well… But sorry, isn’t it what I said? “During the dream”… “During REM sleep”… Hey, what’s the difference? :wink:

Thanks cool, language barriers can be a drag :content: I got the jest of what you were saying anyway, I just wanted to offer what I knew as well :smile:


I have to be flat out honest, but I use self hypnosis to get into lding, so I think your theory must just apply to some people. Big thinking, though!

drumsticks77, did you find a script to use for LD induction? I couldn’t find anything that was very good in terms of hypnotic scripts to induce LD’s.

Ummm… you can go to my website at www.drumsticks77.bravehost.com and see if you can find out enough to make your own, but you really dont need to have a script for it. You can just make it up as you go, and make suggestions that go deeper and deeper in. Try also to make yourself go to the edge of sleeping and not sleeping, but keep on suggesting that you wont fall asleep. Sounds kinda silly to suggest that, but it keeps you from having a non ld. just make suggestions that you will form complex images. Good luck!

If that doesn’t work, then use binaural beats to hypnotize yourself.