My hypothesis is that your ability to lucid dream is related to the difficulty in hypnotising you. In other words, somebody who can lucid dream naturally would be hard to hypnotise, while somebody who fails to notice their RCs are working in a dream is easy to hypnotise.
This was inspired by the close reading of 395’s topic in Lucidity Intro and a small paragraph or so from The Origin of Dreams: How and why we evolved to dream by Joseph Griffin. I quote:
Somebody hypnotized will always have a rational explanation of what they’re doing, while actually they are under the influence of hypnosis. A hypnotist once told somebody to fill one of their shoes with an alcoholic drink at a very formal party… they had an explanation!
As far as I can tell, only three methods are used by the brain to rationalise something after or during being hypnotised: proper logic (which I haven’t heard of after being hypnotised - if it can be logically shown as a good option, why would they need being hypnotised?), hallucination and logical fallacies. Of course, hallucination doesn’t really occur in dreams…
Now I’ll omit the example he gave as it is too long, and take one from the forums instead, a logical fallacy:
395 said, “why is it so difficult?” The immediate answer in my head was, “because we are under the influence of dream logic”, and then the link was made .
According to the hypothesis, people who have high lucid dreams naturally cannot be hypnotised, people who have low lucid dreams naturally are hard to hypnotise, then people who have small troubles doing RCs in dreams (like having to double-check), people who accept their RCs immediately, people who ask their DCs for explanation of their extra finger and accept the stupid answer, then people who miss flashing signs saying “You Are Dreaming!!!”…
…something along those lines, anyway.
I would love to collect information to support or not support this hypothesis. If anybody here has information about how much they lucid dream naturally (or how much trouble they have accepting RCs and how much trouble they have recognising dreamsigns) as well as information about the success of any hypnotist trying themselves on them… please post!