I am excited...so...(close to WILD - entering a dream)

I decided to post. I’ve been reading the forums for over a month now, making my way through the BIG topics. I usually refrain from posting in a forum for guidance when I can find the answer through a search or by other means…but…

I’m excited! So, I figured posting and sharing might be a good thing, even though I remember reading a similar thread elsewhere.

I went to bed at 4:30 this afternoon to go WILD. I’ve been trying to resist the strong urge of turning over on my side for a while, so I went to bed with this intention in mind. My method was to focus on the HI while listening to Deep Theta 2 (BWGen file) while doing incremental counting (starting to 25 and increasing to 50, 75, etc. and doing a reality check at the end of each count).

Well, I got to 125 the first time, and then on my way back to 150 things got wacky, dream-like situations started to take over the counting and I also wasn’t focusing on the HI, so I started again. This happened maybe 3 times, and after the third time I was about ready to thrash in my bed because I wanted to roll over so desperately. I hadn’t moved once, my hands started twitching because they wanted to move too, but I kept the reigns on…

So, still lying on my back and completely still, I entered what must have been my 4th attempt. This time, to keep my focus a little bit more, I imagined I was spinning in my bed (or, more accurately, that my bed was spinning in space with me on it), in addition to spinning it was being pulled forward at a pretty strong velocity (feet-first). This seemed to help tremendously with my urge to thrash and move, I soon noticed my breathing was steady and the counting was going pretty well.

Then, at some point, while still counting…the best way I can describe it is I got swallowed into an immense and vast blackness of stillness and silence (silence FELT, I could still hear Deep Theta 2). The transition itself was pretty startling and definitely noticeable - It was as if someone threw a lever, the HI got slower, and the sky opened into this immense blackness. I had feelings of awe. There was tremendous depth in this environment. The state continued, I could maintain counting. I felt at the brink of entering a dream a few times, trying to envision a door once. Then I tied to stop counting and focus on the state, but that didn’t seem to help, then I started counting again, and after being there a while I decided that was enough and slowly roused myself. I looked at my iPod - the file had been playing for 52 minutes! I was lying completely still for nearly an hour to get to this point, I was also sweating quite a bit.

So, I got all excited and came to post about it.  I'm curious as to what will come next, what to be careful of, and what to do.  I didn't experience any of the electical charges that some say they feel.

 While in this state, how have some of you found it best to continue?  I feel like this was a definite step for me, and I look forward to continuing.  Staying on my back for nearly an hour was an accomplisment in itself (for me).

 Thanks for maintaining this forum, it's a great resource!


:welcome: welcome to LD4all :smile:
and congrats on your progress so far :yay:
All my LDs have been produced by MILD /WBTB but someone with WILD experience should come along soon :happy:

(I have altered the title of the topic a little so members will have a better idea of the content)