alright you may remember a long time ago i said that i may be getting one? well i am gonna now at least i am pretty sure so when i do get it i will post if it helps.
that is if any of you are interested
alright you may remember a long time ago i said that i may be getting one? well i am gonna now at least i am pretty sure so when i do get it i will post if it helps.
that is if any of you are interested
of course we are! Well, I’m interested at least
I would buy one too, but it’s so da** expensive!
Sweet! Good luck, I hope you can return it if it doesnt work out…
But of course it will
yes, let us know how it works… how much are those things anyways? are they really that expensive
well i am getting it for research as well so i will need the super nova attachment as well… hmmm and if it isnt any good teh dude says he will sell it off his site for 10% less and i get most of my money back…
It is $540 bucks, of course i am gonna try and burgen
that is australian by the way. In england they were selling it for 840$ like wtf is up with that. also australian. So i sent them a email complain… no responce back yet
oh well the uy is up in queensland and i am heading up there soon so i see if i can pick it up then
Wish me luck
That sounds cool, I’m interested but I could never afford it. I wish I could though if it works how it’s supposed too. I would think it would if it’s that expensive. Keep us updated.
I understand that there are already several people who have purchased this Nova Dream Device and some of them frequent this site. I would like to ask those who have one-"Does it really work? Have you had LD’s because of it and is it worth the money? If you could turn back time, would you buy it again?
I’ve never seen a NovaDreamer in person but I did create my own goggles and I can say that the flashing lights can (and are) incorporated into your dreams and you can recognize them and become lucid. I have heard of people ‘getting used’ to the flashing making the device less effective but I have yet to experience that myself.
The biggest problem with this device is its price! With the amount of electronics inside it shouldn’t be more than $100 (assuming they want to make a small profit and get back development costs, etc). But I believe you do get a bunch of books and cd’s and stuff when you buy it.
I bought a Nova Dreamer on eBay recently for USD $225.00, but that was a steal. Most were going between $350 - $450. Actually, I just got it less than one week ago. I owned one around ten years ago but didn’t follow thru with the mental exercises and it was wasted on me. This time I have been preparing mentally and have more willpower to stick it through.
Since I have only begun using it I am still trying to become comfortable with wearing it. I’ll report more when something worthwhile happens.
I think another thread about creating a generic Nova Dreamer-like mask is an awesome idea.
AFAIK no one here has definitively answered the question of whether or not a NovaDreamer is useful in giving them LD’s, though the question is often asked. I look forward to your response, Timeless.
To be honest there is no way to answer the question in a way that will do you any good. There are plenty of people who claim that it works and others say it does not work. Understand it is not a VR device and it does not make you have LD ‘s. All it does is give you ques that hopefully you will recognize in a dream. You will still need to do RC and train yourself to recognize the cues. These ques very greatly from person to person. Some are obvious while others are subtle. I have never used a nova dreamer but, a long time ago I used a strobe light hooked up to a timer (total cost of $50.00 but can be done for less than $30.00) and it did filter through to my dreams.
The only way you will know if it will work for you is to try it and see what happens.
That was a good deal. ( you got lucky)I have seen used Nova Dreamers sell for more than new ones on e-bay.
I have built a novadreamer without REM-detection and I have put the lights beside the bed instead of in a mask. So far they havne’t helped that much. I have seem flashing lights in dreams twice in a week but I have only done a RC once. And that time the RC failed. But my dream recall has been much lower than usual.