Well, every once in awhile, I have dreams and withing weeks, sometimes months, and sometimes years, they happen. I am still experiencing dreams that happened when I was 7-12 and even sometime have a dream and it happens a week later.
the problem is; I can’t control it, I can’t channel it, I can’t can’t even make sure it is useful, it is usually me staring at an object, or walking into a room.
I want to be able to control these dreams but I have had no luck…
I also have this stupid thing I used to do when I was younger, I don’t do it much anymore but I used to ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 100 and write it down, I used to either guess it dead on, or flip the numbers (i. e. 86 turned into 68 ) the point is I that I could do that without fail, but it soon faded away, as did the frequency of my dreams that happen.
Does any one have any tips or insight? lemme know k?
hmmmm, that is very interesting.
do you keep a dream journal? keeping one will drastically help with you with becoming aware of your dreams, as well with how much you remember.
Well I have tried, but it is insanely hard for me to do, I read that withing the first five minutes of consciousness you lose 50% of your dream if you don’t think about it when waking up. after 10-20 minutes, you lose about 75%-90% of the dream memory.
But I just suck at keeping journals, or any of that , kinda lazy that way.
I rarely have time to write things down anyways. but I will try some more. Just getting these things to keep happening or fine tuning them to include or help me perceive Important events is hard.
it’s not that hard, you just need to form a habit. trust me, even if you write down 5 sentences the first few weeks, it’ll increase with time. the thing is that you’re trying to remember, and each time you do you will do it better. if i stop writing down my dreams, i will lose my recall after a while. but when i start back up my first few dreams are reaaaaaly shitty i can remember just 3 sentences about them xD in 2-3 days it can become long. in a week i start remembering regularly and i can write down pretty long dreams. i’ve been keeping a journal since 2007 trust me, once you form a habit it’s not gonna be so hard. you need to come to love your dreams, when you wake up, try feeling like after a good movie and think about it for a few minutes. main thing is to NOT move and let it settle in your head. you won’t need it after a while. but when it’s set, just get up and write it down. if it bugs you to write it down, why not keep an audio journal? you can try.
This dream phenomenon of yours is very interesting indeed! As tiresome as it may be to do, the recommendation to keep a DJ is a good one. There really is no more effective way to boost and maintain dream recall! Like avalinah said, you need to (and most likely will come to ) really appreciate your dreams and take them seriously. This cements the importance of dreams into your subconscious and your recall will improve in no time. As will your chances of lucidity!
It will be fascinating to explore this prescience of yours, and especially through lucid dreaming. Good luck!