I am psychokinetic

once while i was reading To Kill a Mockingbird with the TV on… I had just read the part about Mr. Avery then looked up at the TV and it was the behind the scenes episode of Fresh Prince of Belaire right as Will Smith was going into James Avery’s dressing room… O.O

that’s called dowsing, i don’t know if the results you get are always right, but the military used to do it,

to dowse, ask a question you know the answer is no, and see what the no response is
then ask one for yes
then you know that whenever you ask something it will swing to answer yes and no

this is something i am somewhat skeptical about,
you are accessing your subconscious at the very least, which is fascinating , because it will swing when you ask, and it will show you how strongly you believe something

and you’re right it does not seem like we are making it swing

crystals are susceptible to thought and energy which is incredibly obvious or they wouldn’t be used in computers and technology

and you can feel their energy by rubbing them and being patient , it is a simple energy to detect ,

this is more like your consciousness influencing the future than being precognitive,

it doesn’t always work but we notice the successes and these build a superstition of sorts ,

it can be precognitive if you are subconsicously aware of where your friends are and your minds are linked though ,

i had met someone i hadn’t seen in a year or two or longer, suddenly i was thinking of him, and he came up behind me, not knowing he even went to the same school

there are also endless instances where what we are thinking doesn’t manliest, thank g*d!

you are right kava,

there is a fractal illusion where on the tv they teach us esoteric magical principles, every fricking sci fi show has the same basic trues (well not EVERY , how do you describe something with words, perfectly you express what comes to mind and let it be and flow )

for instance,
yoda lectures us on the force
but since is a green muppet it must be fake
surely there is no cosmic energy even though every single prophet all the way back and forward in time, teaches the SAME EXACT TRUTH
holy spirit

these people were delusional because they studied cosmic truth instead of watching wheel of fortune and worrying endlessly about everything there is under the sun to worry about

you could quote the tao te ching but modify it a little bit in a movie and people would dismiss the truth as fiction because its in a movie ?

how many jesus stories do we need? Harry Potter, the matrix, star wars, the story keeps telling itself over and over

the message is always : if you don’t do it no one will do it for you, WAKE UP NEO

how many different ways must it be ?

one that says these themes are dominaint in the movies only because they are so active in our focus and imagination so people are inspired consciously or not to retell them ,

i.e. the scene in waking lie about Phillip K Dick re-writing a bible story without realizing it ,

check it out


do you want to wake up ? do you want to take your power back, or do you want to give it to others and let them play you with illusions ?

that is not the ONLY message , its just something that happens to people,

some people their trip is to enjoy senses and consumerism and that’s fine , but there is the people that begin to learn how to get back in touch with the right brain

which is why this is a lucid dreaming forum rather than a dow jones forum

all these movies do is make us identify viacriously with all the characters which subly influence our future thoughts and experiences, and the good ones try to make the main character go through enough realization sthat they impact the sleeping masses to wake up and think for themselves

i.e. if an angry hateful person is in a movie, and he learns, 9in a realistic way ,how to be kind, this will take all the angry hateful people that identify with him and make them change their minds even a tiny bit IF their sense of disbelief in the movie is suspended enough that they don’t questino it

but this not questioning the most ludicrous ideas we are presented with is what … is … you know… bad …

because its easy to manipulate people that aren’t as smart as you and profit tremendously from it, and that is what most of the media does right now, the word media literally refers to a black magic process of hypnosis dating back to a time where sorcerers were from a place called media

the word hollywood literally refers to a magical wand, made form holly , it is the function of them, its why they are here,

and it doesn’t matter one colorful metaphor unless you realize that you want to live independently and take control of your life and be happy and flourish and grow, at which point you realize any negative suggestions no matter how many friendly faces are selling them to you , are HARMING YOU ,

the idea that BEING SICK IS INEVITABLE is the idea in about every DRUG commercial isn’t it ? they aren’t giving you commercials on how to NOT GET SICK very often,

it is massive collective hypnosis and it takes a tremendous amount of time to build up toxicity and create events but it does it,

the intellectual, sound, peaceful argument, which is creative, which is honest, is no match for loud flash noises and FEAR MONGERING ,
hate speak and emotionally charged rhetoric

CAN YOU IMAGINE, right winged , very angry , not loving, Christians, think its good to let the poor die, and only heal the wealthy and JUST HATE THE IDEA OF FREE HEALTH CARE because its somehow evil to help your neighbors that aren’t millionaires ?

well its cus the pharmaceutical companies tell them what to say and how to say it, with some nice bucks in the pocket

and so they use emotions and scary images, and religious ideals ( and i hasten to add, a leaked slideshow from the republiCANT convention shows that the best way to get contributions is to make the poor fearful, and to peer pressure the rich ) , to hypnotise the sleeping people into being hateful at some imaginary enemy ,

even these words are in a way hypnosis, it is just that you can take them apart and disagree with every single one and state the opposite, but ideally you would find the truth in what i say, discard the rest, and bu9d on my momentum, disregarding my ego ,

it is the concept of open source code, it favors only progress ,

i know i do write a lot an\d i hope it is informative and useful, these are topics i study here and there,
this is a great documentary of supernatural powers

anyway , it doesn’t matter, until you witness it yourself you will be what you are, no amount of proof convinces someone that doesn’t want to believe unless what they see is so surprising that it leaves them in total shock

just don’t be negative and mean

and i hope that each person that would be so harsh would get such a shock, it is a very nice experience

anyway , what part of witnessing implies that i have performed the act ? i never claimed to have done it intentionally , i’ve been around someone who can, and i think even ANY OF YOU if you were ever around such a person would immediately feel how strong his energy is, even if you’ve never felt it before in your life, weird stuff happens around someone with such a field

trying to be superior to people and make them look bad is weakness and hostility, we are here to cooperate and learn, we are all equally different and fundamentally the same , i you have to go around correcting people and calling them liars you are wasting your time, there will always be a new one to battle, and it won’t get you anywhere

i don’t know who i am talking to by the way, just that there are people like this, if it is not about you it isn’t about you , because i don’t know you

now look :

either this person is making it up or he’s telling the truth, how can you know WHICH ONE IS TRUE unless you’re a mind reader ? why discredit the experiences of others, why jump right to the negative ? it shows an inner pain and a desire to dominate

there are people who lie and make up stories, yes ,
there are real psychic experiences, yes , and some day you’re going to have one, or meet someone , or hear about it so much that you start to wonder, not all these people can be making it up , until they you want some proof

which is understandable if you’ve never developed yourself that way

my posts really don’t have to mean anything, its up to the individual

i hope i didn’t make you think i could do this , because that is not what i said

but i can tell you that when you are aware of the innate molecular vibration of something you are looking at and focusing upon, you can move it with your will power,

it may have something to do with melanin, and some day science will explain these mysteries to the public, once they understand them properly


when you sit and watch star wars, you are , in a way, being robbed and swindledblind, because you are being taught that what you are seeing is fictional, so instead of , right then, in that moment, spending time with a guru, a living breathing master of whatever it is he has mastered, and learning how to do these very things " These works and greater shall you do in my name."
you are being taught they aren’t real !
(never mind this star wars tried to show us the perfect truth of our reality )

so when you go to your organized religion, no one is mastering the holy spirit, they believe that their prophet could do it, and , maybe some people can do it, but they don’t generally know how, so they don’t teach you
so its the same thing, you are hearing these romantic stories and yet you are being disconnected form the very core essence of truth that made them magical,

while making the people a pretty penny

people are hypnotised into being either dogmatically religious (it doesn’t matter what religion ) or dogmatically skeptical and rigidly scientific, or incredibly shallow and confused and air brained and hair brained and living only for raw pleasure gratification, and their main source of information is showing them actual fractalized depictions of TRUTH , the same TRUTH of Jesus, Moses, Buddha, etc, in such a way that they thin "gee that’s nice what else is on "

we see Jim Carrey chant allllrighty then and go out of body to meet his master,
so we laugh, it is very comical and funny

and we also wonder if thats possible
so at that moment we either say “yes” or “no”
then we desire it, we can desire it and believe its not false, or desire it and believe it is false

but Jim Carrey recently got mega into meditation and says it saved his life, isn’t that funny ?

theres a tremendous reason for all of this, it is incredibly abstract, and it is because the tv is usurping our collective anestry and the memories we get from the collective unconscious, it is becoming the core transmitter of archetypal, mystical information

so instead of having an open third eye and seeing higher truths, we are replacing the third eye with manufactured images, most of which are illusions designed only to make us incredibly dumb and manipulate our docility for the creation of profit ,

but some of which are honestly trying to shift us into a golden age

you can give kids loaded guns, or you can give them flowers, when you take responsibility over people’s MENTAL FOCUS you are playing with something ,

powerful to say the least

the mind influence is not from the obvious images, its something as subtle as , what is this tv dad yelling about ? hm, and we watch it, and we don’t feel that he is doing something wrong, we feel a thrill in his anger

so then we become similar, instead of different, we move towards being THAT EXACT REPLICATION OF BEHAVIOR instead of away from it

if you don’t think people are insane just go hang out with young girls and listen to what they talk to, or boys

it is like listening to the echoes of a huge collage of sitcoms

if i say POPCORN, SEX

this influences you ,

but if i say it in a way that you don’t notice exactly what is what, it influences you even more,


the holcoaust happened because people did not wake up and realize that every single thing the political parties were saying is TOTAL LIES ,

if you listen to even just a little bit, and lose your vigilance, you are hypnotized, controlled, and influenced,

how can we possibly question the reality of any mainstream news when we are getting multiple stories at once , if its fair and balanced they don’t have to say it is
that they say it is means its the most skewed lies out there

the truth constantly speaks out from as many places as it can until it is understood

i hope this makes sense,
the formation of prejudice in our minds against psychic experiences while are constantly be shown these experiences in the media is in order to , on one extreme, discourage our drive to cultivate them ( we demonize mush*ooms but not alcohol, almost every tv show has someone sipping a beer, how arbitrary is that ? its like hating every color of people but white ) , and on the other hand implores us to wake up to the fact that we are capable of essentially anything

if you , any one, wnats these abilities bad enough, there is someone in india that can teach you, guaranteed, asia, probably, also,
and certainly , everywhere, and many of them have the awareness to FIND YOU ,


not all of them are good because to be a sort of a “wizard” and dabble with occult phenomenon is not in and of itself loving and kind and of service to humanity

by the way, these images, these layers of illusion, in our mind, of residual likeness, are what form up our dreams and also block us from understanding things on a deeper level,

when you think of mari*uana, there are a lot of incredibly fierce, hateful fear mongering prejudices that come into many people’s minds, when the reality of the suchness of that contains both positive and negative traits,

yet you are reaidly seen people sipping beers and having a good time, while the plant itself being incredibly more safe by the thousand fold, whil still posessing some dangers of course, trivial in comparison, still REAL, and should not be ignored ,

IS INCREDIBLY HATED AND FEARED with such force that it is impossible to go on tv and advocate that it should be respected, as the people who use it, at least HALF THE COUNTRY

why ? because its a WAR ON YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS,

Who says a video will make it anymore true? They can be just as false as a statement, if not more damaging because they are easily believable.

Unfortunately, I think it’s something you need to experience firsthand, and not everyone can or will… and even then, who’s to say you won’t question that experience?

If there was video footage of god creating the universe, I might be religious.

(If P implies Q) does not imply (Q implies P). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirming_the_antecedent

I disagree, there is a third option which drastically changes the interpretation. That is that the person having the experience, is mistaken about the cause. Do I want to entrust my understanding of the world to somebodies, or even many peoples interpretation of an experience? I don’t, so I listen to what they say, and enough people say it to make me curious, I do not however believe them outright, nor do I label them insane. In fact this process is a defence against the very same manipulation you discuss later. Whether somebody is conscious of their manipulation of your beliefs at a whim or not is irrelevant in my opinion. Your experiences change you, whether the person intends them to or not, for me what matters is you are conscious of this.

Not always true, the concept of the force is more in peoples minds. The ideology discussed is put forward for thought. I’ve no shame in saying that certain movies have provided a basis for some pretty reflective thoughts. To name one, in Men In Black (A somewhat joking and non-serious look at aliens) where it is pointed out that a hundred years ago we thought the world was flat… etc. That particular thought really helped to drive my outlook on the world. Also Yoda’s words about hate and anger invoked some thought and consideration.

Did you read the quotes you made? I find it weird how you can quote something pointing out the fact a video can be faked, then immediately say you would use it as a basis for your beliefs. It makes your comment look like nothing more than a snipe at religion.


founbd a great site

you can witness the man who does not eat sit motionless ( nearly ) for a time lapse of 10 days , under total scrutiny and evluation of medical loonies, who say “its impossible” but yet it happened ,

anyway bless them , its on youtube, they will figure it out one day that you can do it , sungaze, that is, to attain immortaity , as this fellow did ,

i won’t link you, but you can google that yogis name from this website and youtube it yourself ,

Interesting choice of words, “medical loonies.” I really wonder if you have contemplated the motives of those who scrutinise or noticed the achievements these “medical loonies” have made with their scrutiny and evaluation; from which we have all benefited. Maybe if you had you would understand that, that could be a reason they are dubious of super-human claims. Or perhaps you would sooner patronise and condescend to them as you do below?

I’m not sure I would trust something because ‘its on youtube’ but nevertheless I tried honestly to look up the topic you discussed, the site you linked centres around no one person. It is a collection of stories and pictures about people with supposed super-human abilities. No one name to search. I also tried several related searches on youtube but got nothing.

The site also only says it is about “people from the far east.” It therefore can’t be used to evaluate the validity of sun-gazing, which as far as I can see, is unrelated in any strict sense.

Which yogi there are several, the one in the picture turned up nothing. He seems only known for levitation, no mention of immortality or any experiments with not eating. (Nothing about Psychokinesis either? I avoid grouping these things I prefer to approach each topic on its own.)

It’s moved something with my mind or I’m going crazy

I have had a lot of experiences with psychokinesis and telepathy in my dreams and in lucid dreams. But that stuff never seems to happen to me in reality because of physics, and whatnot.