I asked for my biggest fear in my last LD :eek:

EDIT: Would rather say I got to experience my biggest fear

First off i must say i regret this in some way, but the feeling i had makes all my other fears look a little puppy.

It all starts of in this sick dream, where I win 85.000$, i have a big check, then a guy walks up and rips it apart, then the same guy comes back later with a gun and kills many people.
The normal dream isn’t that important, but I will tell parts of it.
After the same guy comes to another house party i was and kills some more… I follow some girls somewhere.
And now the dream really gets sick.
I’m at the house where the guy who had done all those things lived, i think he was dead at this point.
He was a famous guy in science, outside of he’s house there was a lot of things written on the wall about the dimensions we live in and shit. I see a big wheel standing in the middle of the road, under it was a note “Does the wheel still roll?” And then suddenly after 2 seconds it starts to roll down the street. At this point i actually ask my self is this a dream, I thought it wasn’t but in a automatic response to that thought, I did a RC, and it failed. So i got lucid at this point.

I flew up in the air trying to change the weather. It was dark scary and not really good. The weather changed a little, but really not much. Then i got down to the ground, I felt like this wasn’t too good of a setting, I got the feeling of something bad happening, and then i thought, I think i want to see my biggest fear. So i did it, i said inside my mind, GIVE ME MY BIGGEST FEAR!!. Should never have done that.
The next thing that happen is that i get focused on a house, looking on a window, there is a fucking scary lady with a white dress, typical the grudge stuff. Then i get dragged towards the house, :help: i knew i was closing up on her, it was so scary, i mean seriously EXTREMELY scary!! I have no powers, i can’t do anything, i just get closer and closer to this ugly lady ghost, she has this unnatural movement, like she is popping up really fast, right in my face, then she goes away. If anyone has seen the scene in the grudge 2 where there is a hallway, you are looking down in it, and this girl comes with the lights, it was like that only worse since i got dragged down to her, i was screaming all the time, then i woke up. THANKS SUBCONSCIOUS!
This was really emotional for me, I screamed when i woke up, and when i woke up, I have been shocked all day, can’t get over it.

I should seriously warn any other that may try this, you don’t want to have the feeling I am sitting with now. :neutral:

Thats actually a really good idea. Ive been looking for more self discovery questions to ask my dream characters and this is definitely something Id like to know.

At least your subconscious is 100% honest with you, thats always a plus.

So your biggest fear are ghosts?

I don’t think I want to face mine. Drowning is not fun, either.

:eek: Wow, I must say, I agree with Alextanium, that is a pretty good idea… or at least it seems like it before you actually get there. But it’s a good way to find out what your biggest fear actually is.

And I’m sure you’ll get over the shock eventually. :hugs:

And maybe it’s a good thing. Like you said, this fear makes all your other fears seem like little puppies, so maybe now it’ll be easier for you to face whatever other fears may come your way.

I thought it would be cool to just check what my biggest fear was, I thought maybe i could fight it off or be friends with it, but that wasn’t my thought’s when i got there. I was paralyzed in fear. I’m not sure if it’s a ghost but at least I am not a fan of those scary flash things you can watch on the internet, I scream like a little girl and run out of my room every time i get tricked. Actually… I think that is my biggest fear… To get scared that way, where you look at a what seems to be a “normal” filmclip and then a ugly face jumps up. I seriously jump if i just check the movie first, where i scroll up with the mouse in the movie. Cool to know now, but maybe sometime I will go back and be friends with it.

Remindes me of my raindeer nightmare (stoff that gets closer and closer that way is creepy).

You mentioned the fact that you lost all your powers and were helpless. From your description you began to treat here as something real and thus lost any chance of going away. In additon you added realsim to this be being afraid of a dream entity. This ghost thing is a dream creature and certainly does not need to be feared.

You should try this again next time your lucid and go up and be friendly and polite to her.

Are you crazy? The whole dream setting was a nightmare before i even asked for my fear. She looked like she was making fun of me. Smiling in that crazy way.

But i don’t think i should ask for my fear in that way, just a chance to meet her outside in a lovely park. That would have been ok, but I am a little afraid to do that too, and I’m afraid that since I’m afraid i will just make it more scary. :meh:

If you had met your fear in a nice setting, it wouldn’t be so scary. that’s true. but then you didn’t really meet your fear. You couldn’t taste it. The way you did it, in a nightmare. To decide to face your fear is the way to do it, how else can you master it? It’s easy to not be afraid when you already feel safe and secure in your setting. In a nightmare you’re on it’s turf so to speak. It gets to be all it can be. You asked for it, you got it. but you were not ready. Maybe next time.

Lucidity Master’s suggestion is the best thing you can do. It’s a dream, they cannot harm, and you’re lucid, so you even know at that moment it’s a dream and your safe in bed. So why not confront your fear? It’s a good opportunity for you to realise how fears are useless and you should absolve them instead of try to overcome them.

Wow, that sounds AWESOME! I think I may just do that in my next lucid dream…hehehe.

Brilliant! I love being scared. I want to face my fears, stand up to them, and have a conversation with them about music, preferably the Beatles.

To be honest, I don’t even have the faintest idea of what I’m afraid of. I really dislike the idea of living life over and over again, without any end, but then I figured, I wouldn’t know if I was repeating life, so it would be stupid being afraid. Hmmm, I guess I’ll just have to put it up to my subconcious. Sweeet :happy:

In any case, I will face my fears in a wide green field, with beautiful statues spurting water straight up into the air. Greekesque, probably, hehehe.

/me is left speechless

This is all very interesting. I think that if you were afraid then you were probably at a level of low lucidity. I find this happens to me too. I can feel anxiety or even fear in my lucid dreams sometimes. That shouldn’t happen if I’m at a level of high lucidity. Either way, I really have to remember to face whatever frightens me next time instead of running from it. :\

I would like to come here and say I want to face my biggest fear but I have a big fear Drowning or being suffocated in any way And i’m afraid if it’s not my biggest then what could be worse :scared:

holy crap! That must have been scary as hell. :hug:
It does sound like an intersting thing to try, but after hearing about Jasons dream, i’m not so sure i want to experience something like that! :eek:

Bahh, come on. Being scared is fun! A part of life, is all it really is. You haven’t lived until you’ve been scared poo-less

I wonder why settings matter so much to us? For the most part when I see a stormy sky with lightning and what not all I think is ‘cool! an exciting meteorlogical phenomenon!’. Why has the horror industry used such amazing weather as ‘scary backdrops’?

I love stormy weather, lightning and trouble in the earth. Luuve it every time i see it IWL.

Yo dude nice dream you had there :cry: … but can i point out something that you might have not noticed in your dream ? The first part with the killer and then getting the huge wheel in the street with the note on it. What does this mean to you? for most things that deams spit up is they have some meaning to them that wheel is asking a big question. Yet it did prove its own existance and may have just been a DS, it did roll.

First thing i’d do is go back and catch the killer. Then get me a huge LD gun with pink dasiy bullets and smoke me a old lady… if your feeling scared watch evil dead (semi funny horror movie), that should give you the confidence to kill that “she bitch” (main characters words not mine).

remember dude if she is old she’ll go down real quick all old people do. :cool_laugh:

I have faced some of my fears in dreams and all I can say is that you have to be sure that you’re capable of dealing with the situation or escaping if it gets out of hand(learn how to wake yourself up).

I didn’t know what I was afraid of so I decided to find out. I faced many entities in my dreams that I considered scary but I was prepaired, so I vanquished them, now I am able to handle anything that wants to harm my personal well being. However, it is like that old saying that says ‘whenever you close a door, a window opens’. It seems like I kept inventing new things to try to scare myself with until I reached my core fears. I discovered the hard way that I am afraid of terrible things happening to my loved ones and not being able to do anything about it. Some of the images were so intense(our house burning down with people inside, pets tortured) that I actually felt tears physically forming on my real body(I woke myself up shortly after).

So if you plan to find out what you’re most afraid of, be sure that you are prepaired to face possibly the most frightening scenarios you will ever experience.

Still, I cannot deny that it is a valuable tool for self-discovery… :peek: