I ate cannibis....and nothing happened

In my ND the other day I ate some weed for some reason and got no effects from it. I wonder if I replicate this in an LD, would I get effects if I’ve never done it before?

hmm in an ND, its the choice about how you think about the ffect of drugs and if they can make something even if you dont smoke it. I had smoked weed in an ND then iv had hallus (and i havent dione it in RL yet, too) But in an LD its your will. If you say “if i smoke that dope i get halluzinations and my body will feel strange” then it will happen (normally) but if you say “nothing will happen” then normally nothing will happen^^

Well, it ultimately depends on your expectations. You will most likely get what you think you will, if you do. Think about it for a while, and try imagining the consequences, maybe in the dream it will be the same.