After not having any particular success (only 2 low-level LDs for over a
month) with trying to “awake” in a dream 2 days ago I tried to WILD. It was
the technique I discarded immediately at the beginning, because it sounded
like I needed to be skilled in relaxation or similar stuff which I haven’t done
in my life. It also seemed to be a “hardcore” way to induce LD.
Now I can only say it is the easiest and most reliable way - I done it without
any problem in that and the next day. And the dreams were unbelievably
realistic. Unfortunately, they were too short and I would wake up very soon.
So, if anybody can’t get any LD and hesitates to try WILDing for any
reason, do it! It’s way easier than what most descriptions say, really
I didn’t even use any relaxation stuff or concentration on any body part
or anything. I think that the trick is just to sleep for at least 6 hours (I
think the more, the better, but not from my experience), and then do
some mental activity (like some math tasks, anything that needs you to
focus) until you don’t feel drowsy, but do not move much (I didn’t move
from my bed). Then you just go back to sleep while being aware of
things that happen with you (like HI, tingling sensations, sounds etc.)
I have to wait for some time (almost an hour) before really strong
sensations kick in, but remain calm. After a while I feel like my mind
is shutting down, but it’s just a sign that the LD is coming right now
Well, congratulations! I get a feeling that most lucid dreamers don’t particularly tend to use WILD, I for one tend to stick with MILD, but I may try your technique when I use the WBTB method tonight!
How do you WILD ? Ive looked at the WILD topic thing, and I sort of understand it… but, when you wake up in the night to try WILD, do you have to naturally wake up, or can you wake yourself with an alarm and then do it?
And what do you have to actually do, and how long does it take?
I don’t know if I would use an alarm clock… those can tend to just shock you and your awake… doesn’t seem like a good idea. If you have an alarm clock that gets off your dresser and lightly kisses you on the forehead to wake you up… Go for it.
I’m not completely clear on the WILD subject myself. But from what I understand, It’s letting your body fall asleep, while your mind is awake. So you must perform mental tasks enough to just barely keep your mind awake and let your body fall asleep. Some people count backwards from 50 like this “50 I am dreaming, 49 I am dreaming, 48 I am dreaming” etc… I find that counting isn’t the best because its so tedious and doesn’t let your mind wander. If you have a little voice or whisper inside of your head just keep letting it wander and listen to it- you’ll be suprised how much your mind won’t shut up!
I’m still new to all this. In my opinion the alarm clock shouldn’t effect it at all. You are supposed to wake up and read about lucid dreaming for about 30 to 60 minutes anyways.
Yeah, because I did try it yesterday, with an alarm clock. How do you know when it starts to work?
As Im falling asleep, I hear voices in my head (lol, Im not insane, does this happen to anyone else?) its like loads of voices talking complete nonsense, or sometimes I hear music…
I can sometimes make out what theyre saying and it doesnt make sense lol, anyway, I tried WILD yesterday, and the counting thing didnt work
Yea, the voices are supposed to happen. If you realise the voices are talking nonsense and concentrate again, usually if the voices start again, they will be on a completly different topic or theme. You basicly know its working cause of the voices. And your vision will because brighter when your eyes are closed in the dark. For me, I make sure its completly dark, and when I start to see lighter colors, I know its starting to work because it couldn’t be light hitting my eyes from somewhere else. Another obvious sign is you will get tingly and go into sleep paralysis.
thats Hypnogogic Hallucinations (HH), if you see swirling colors and shapes thats Hypnogogic Imagery (HI). Thats completely normal- Has nothing to do with you being insane. (BUT YOU STILL MIGHT BE INSANE.) hahaha.
Thats good that you got there, means you were close. Your body was starting to fall asleep- Just go with the flow! let the voices talk, let the colors swirl !!! muahahaha!!!
I also hear voices. I don’t count, just wait and observe what
happens next. Besides, I don’t understand why counting
might help. When I do what I described in the first post,
I don’t need to think about anything special. The trick is to
not let your consciousness wander. When you start to think
silly things (like those when you are drowsy just after waking up)
you’re busted. You have to concentrate on what
you experience, be it HI or sounds or whatever else, in the
same way as you would concentrate on watching a movie -
awake and with interest. That way the experiences get stronger
and your mind never falls asleep
Very true, yet you still want your mind to wander a little bit. As long as your aware of the HI, and aware that you are in a sleeping state- I think its GOOD to let your mind wander, just never loose focus of the HI.
I’m thinking of giving WILD ago. I’m not sure if my LD’s are down to me doing MILD or not. I do occasinally just remember that I’m dreaming (which is what MILD is emant to do), but most the time it’s just from taking a random RC.
And besides, even if I don’t get lucid, it can still work as MILD sometimes. Also, I’d like to experince some of those things (voices, SP etc) .
How interesting! This is the same method I use to OBE. Relax, stay calm when the HH kicks in, and when i feel the mind shutting down, I leave the body .
All of the techniques work. Some people do prefer one technique over the other ( my fav is WILD ) but they are all powerful and all are easier than you think.
the first time i did WILD i got a lucid dream, but because of this it made me too excited when doing it so i could never do it right or fall asleep after that. that’s also what happened when i got my first lucid dream. i was so excited i couldn’t fall asleep for hours just thinking about getting a LD.
but what i did when i WILD was i started counting to 100 with the method said before, 1 i’m dreaming, 2 i’m dreaming 3… and the trick is to stop thinking about it, but continue those words… the pattern is monotonous enough so it shouldn’t be too hard to let go but keep going…
i made it to 88… and as i said I’m dreaming… i noticed i was in my basement and actually in dream… from here on in i freaked out and flew all over the place and smacked into walls. it was an overload i wasn’t ready for… you have to know that WILD is instant… there is no period where you are actually sleeping in the sense of being unconcious.
it’s strange, i’m starting to try again so hopefully it’ll work, it’s been about 5 months since that experience.