Some people might not know what I mean when I say this,but I can feel this energy within me in my dreams. I can use this energy to do multiple things such as flying,etc. The strange thing is a couple of days ago I kept raising the energy within myself. Then I had this thought in my mind that told me to change into my real form. I then felt my body feel different, there is no words to describe how I felt but I would say I felt stronger, better. Before I could look at my hands or myself in a mirror I was somewhere else and I was back to normal. I think I didn’t have enough energy to stay in this form. I know it sounds wierd. I would really like to know your thoughts about this. Thanks
Interesting. I kinda can relate that with you, but I’m not sure if I fully understand you. Are you saying that you feel your real form changing when you look at a mirror? Please claify that before I say anything.
I must say, it’s very interesting… umm.
This happenend only once,a couple of days ago. I wasn’t infront of a mirror I was outside floating in the air. The starnge part was I could feel my body change. I never got to see what it changed into but I’m curently tryng to do it again.
Outside… floating… in the physical… in reality? You have GOT to teach me that
If you are using energy then be careful not to burn yourself out trying to “float”… it puts a lot of stress on your nervous system.
hey wil, I meant I did that in my dream if you didn’t know.
Dooohhhh… my bad, sorry you made it sound like it was in real life…
Hides in corner and hopes no one reads his post
Whew! I thought you were talking about floating in RL! Now it makes more sense.
hides too
If I could do that in real life I wouldn’t be here right now I would be off flying around exploring. Well to bad I can’t. At least I still have my dreams.
lol: lol: