I can not believe this!

so anyway as one last thought i was reading something about the shadow, and about beliefs that evil comes from within, not without… and that it is good to explore your darker side (i think it tied into lucid dreaming) to acknowladge that it is there …

and when this is done, stepping through the shadow if you will…

when a man angers you and you reach out to strike him, you will be able to intercept it, because you see that you are not striking him because of his actions, you are striking him soley because of an evil desire within yourself, and you then see there is no reason to strike him, no justification, and you realize the absurdity of violence.

and here we go to a tool lyric
no fault none to blame
it doesn’t mean i don’t desire
to point the finger blame the other
watch the temple topple over
to bring the pieces back together rediscover communication.

look within yourself you know, for the evils of the world… you know… i wish i could paraphrase the lesson better… but it was great. it isn’t their fault, it isn’t yours either… but as long as you recognize the desire for violent retribution is not the result of someone wronging you, it is the result of dark desires that lie within yourself, it is not their fault… you are not hitting them because they are a jackass, you are hitting them because inside you is a the capacity to lash out in instinctual anger with no benefit…

(i wouldn’t say we need to be completely pacifistic, i believe in defending myself… but in most cases violence is totally unnessescary)

as i’m remembering more of this text it said something akin to when we blame evil on the world, on the devil, we live in denial that within us is the same capacity, the same drive, to commit evil, and as long as we are in denial if a moment came upon us into which we were driven to commit evil, it would catch us so completely off guard that we may not be able to intercept it (punching someone in rage for example)… but if we explore the darkside to us and accept that we have evil within, we can trasmute it and bypass the instinctual anger/evil based desires we have, and realize that there is no need to follow through with them.

something like that…

WHERE DID I READ THIS? It seems like it was from a dream but I thought I read it yesterday… man… where? Was it on here? In my dreaming book? I don’t think so.

That is strange. I would never support that. Its funny that 70% would support that though. One of the biggest issues these days in America is what is broadcast on television. I’m sure there would be protests of some sort about the execution.

Another point that should be brough up is that Saddam has never-ever attacked America. Why do these people think they desirve revenge on this person? He is not in American courts. It is out of our hands now.

“Don’t forget your guy Blair was right there with our guy.”
Yeah, also don’t forget that Britian owes America an ever increasing amount of money, and so Blaire was under a huge amount of preasure.

Also, don’t forget, that Blaire wanted the UN to be involved. Bush did not.

Stats can be made to say almost anything you want.

That depends on if the maniac is reeleced by the people… If bush actually get reelected again, then i sure as hell dont have much faith in the majority of the US people…

In my eyes that would be supporting the evil acts of the Bush administration.
I dont like people who vote and defend such a person.
But that is my opinion.

Oh yeah, Blair is a mad man aswell :tongue:

Unfortuantly, who is the UK going to vote for? Blaire is out of the question, the conservatives are old, and only value the ritch. The lib dems want to make major changes to the system.

They’re all crap.

Conclusion: Blair is going to win, because there is no alternative.

I could run. I’m young, open minded and only slightly psychotic.

Vote for Sureal!

We did not elect this administration! Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000. Here each state is assigned a # of electoral votes based on the states population. If a candidate wins that state he/ she takes all the electoral votes for that state. If it were not for 911 Bush would be ½ out of office by now.

“Why do we kill people who are killing people to show that killing people is wrong?” – Anonymous

People often neglect the logic in a situation, and ignorance thrives. People will believe that Saddam should be killed on live TV because a friend told them Saddam is evil. These sort of things seem sadistic to me, and I don’t think killing him is the right way to solve the problem. To quote Othello:

“I’d have thee live, for in my sense 'tis happiness to die.”

In general agree with you about the death penalty. I am opposed to the death penalty under any circumstances. Now if you really want to be confused most of the so called right to life people (those against abortion) are for capital punishment. A bit of a contradiction there don’t you think. The death penalty has never proved to be a deterrent to crime.

Now as fore Saddam I think as I said above that it should be the Iraqis who decide his fate. However, I have been thinking about this. Can he get a fair trial in Iraq? I honestly don’t know. I am not sure he can get a fair trial anywhere.

I think…WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND, so sucks for suddam! haha, I do think it’s kind of sick to show that live…but we live in america, we can do whatever we want remember? It’s our god given right…

Now we go into jumbo huge democratic structure crises, that’s it “no alternative”. See, that is about any country going into and then what?
To stay with status quo uncapable of stopping the car going down, enjoying the ride without brakes used. machinery which no one can accuse of its wrongful turns.
give them more bread and entertainment for how long time?
short term policy, that’s it.