I had a weird dream last night, i won’t get into the specifics, I just want to addres the topic at hand.
I was on a bus, being driven around, and as I looked a the street signs, I could read every single one of them clearly. Even after twi ir three glances. Any explanation for this guys?
I’ve never had any trouble reading in a lucid dream but I’ve never re-read anything to see if it has changed or is still word for word. I think the thing about not being able to read a digital clock, as in the film Waking Life is rather exagerated.
It is just a stupid myth that says you cannot read, exact same thing with the lightswitch Though if you expect it not to work, then it most likely wont…
I had a few lds where i was chatting in the ld4all chatroom, words were totally stable.
Every aspect of lucid dreaming is subjective. Sometimes you can read, sometimes you can’t. Occasionally the lights won’t work (most people report their LDs are always fully bright and never change), and sometimes your digital clock will display gibberish. My first few LDs were triggered by glancing at my clock and seeing a set of oddly colored random lines in place of the characters. Since then, it’s generally a valid (though wrong) time, and intermittently may even display a word or two. It depends on what you’re expecting when you look at it.
Remember, you’re only reading a creation of your own mind. Chatting on the internet is going to incur its own set of rules of course, since its pulling from your concious experiences.
The reason reading a clock, flipping a light, or re-reading text wouldn’t work is because your own mind gets confused. For example, if you were to read a time in a LD, how does your mind know what time it is? Or if you were in a room and flipped the light on: light is based on shadows and curvatures and such of the objects present in the room. Your mind most likely can’t recall how to change the scene to fit the setting you are in with the new lighting, so it just remains in the same state.
Haha, in my dream last night, I was looking for something on a low shelf in a room, I couldnt see it amongst the clutter so I thought I’ll put on a better light, I looked and saw the light switch and was about to go and turn it on when I noticed that the bulb was already glowing very dimly, I looked around the room for the source of the light in the room but there wasnt any it just seemed to be there. I was thinking thats odd when I noticed a table under the bulb with new packets of light bulbs and asorted light fittings and realised that none of it was there a few minutes before…
Woke up
That’s probably exactly why that method works. In dreams, what you expect to happen almost always happens, but in real life, it doesn’t necessarily. Most likely, one person found it worked for them, and they assumed it would work for everybody and so they started spreading it as an effective RC. But if they had started claiming that in dreams, the world starts rotating if you squint your eyes, it would probably have become just as valid a method, because people would believe that, so in a dream, it would happen.
That, I believe, is the foundation of all reality checks: you know that anything, no matter how supernatural, can happen in a dream, so if you do something expecting to realize you’re dreaming if it works, and it works, you know you’re dreaming. It’s just that certain specific supernatural things to try have become more popular.
Well i proved this theory wrong in one of my lucid dreams… The lighswitch works totally fine as long as you expect/know it will work.
I believe many people have troubles with it, because they have read on internet that it does not work, thus it becomes true as they from then on will expect it to not work… Things you read goes straight to the subconscious…