I cannot realize that I'm dreaming :s

Hello everybody :smile:
First I want to say that I’m new and I apologize if this is not the place for my question.
I’ve started having dreams lately, dreams which are really clear and when I touch something it feels like in real life. Unfortunately I cannot realiza that I’m dreaming and therefore I cannot control my dream. Would you be so kind to tell me what should I do in order to achieve my goal. :smile:

Moved from Lucid Adventures :mattias:

Keep trying, and question reality. Is this how my room looked yesterday? What changed, and who changed it? Is this material supposed to feel fuzzy? Do that when you do daily raeality checks. Try and remember where you last were and how you even got there because in most dreams, places are merged and you teleport or change dream scenes with no logical explanation/reason

Well, there is a whole section on how to achieve lucidity. There are many techniques to choose from:

And if you have question for any of those techniques, just feel free to post them.
Oh, and, keep a dream journal. That might help you a lot :smile:

I posted a neat observation under “lucidity centerstage” Iron Man: Armored Adventures. Check it out (Sandy)

One good technique is to question your surroundings as much as possible, and try to find signs that prove you’re dreaming.
The theory is of course that you will eventually start doing this while you’re dreaming as well.

This is especially important when you wake up in the mornings - while you can usually be sure that you’re awake during the middle of the day, it’s not quite as certain in the mornings, since your consciousness is still half asleep.
This last morning I actually dreamed that I was awake, and it felt so real that I didn’t even bother doing any reality checks - and woke up for real ten seconds later! :tongue:
So really try to put some extra effort in this right when you wake up.

“Am I awake now? How can I tell for sure? I’m gonna test this now… hm, this reality check failed, but what about this reality check? Yeah, I guess I’ll try them all.”

Also keep doing this throughout the day - it’s not necessary to be sceptical, the most important thing is to practice your awareness and your curiosity about your surroundings.

Doing RC’s may also help you:)

I know your new here, so I will explain a little more.
RC = Reality Checks

Common RC’s are counting your fingers, poking your palm to see if you finger goes through your palm, and the Famous plugging your nose and seeing if you can breathe through your nose even when plugged. Doing these several times a day, can transfer to your dreams, and when they work in your dreams, you’ll realize your dreaming:)

Also, maybe recognizing your Dream Signs might help.

Dream Signs are unique to you, because dream signs are things you repeatedly see as a constant theme, place, or thing you see in your dreams. When you see your dream sign, and recognize it, you can ask yourself questions, like mentioned above, or do a RC and see if your dreaming:)

Hope that helped you:)

Yeah, well Reality Checks are basically methods you use to find proof that you’re dreaming.
This could be anything - if you remain in the air after jumping then that’s a dreamsign; if you are in an unfamiliar place for no reason then that’s also a dreamsign; and if you see a talking dog then that’s a dreamsign as well.
And so on.
Try to persistently search for dreamsigns in real life, even if you already know that you are awake - simply practising them regularly will make it a habit which will eventually happen in one of your future dreams as well, although you should always try to convince yourself that the Reality Checks will work anyway.