I cannot stop my lucid dreams

Ignotus, that’s impossible. There’s too many ways to explain why, so I’ll just say that and be done with it.

Why? i dont see how that can prevent lucid dreams. Actually for me, drinking will actually help induce LD’s.

If you’d done everything you could do in dreams, then you’d be done with life too. At least the way I see it, becuase you can do everything plus some in dreams that you can do in life. So if you’re not bored with life, you’re not bored with dreams.

i put my self in his situation and thats what i came up with please diliberate.

I dont even know what to say. I would trade you my family for unstoppable lucid dreams. There is no possible way I could ever run out of ideas. But if you really don’t want them, smoke cannabis. It will also eliminate memories of your ND’s.

  1. Lucid dreaming is more fun than real life, and real life is far more constant than consecutive lucid dreams.
  2. Ever enjoyed a television show? You’ll want to see the next episode every time. In a dream, you can be part of whatever reality you want and have an on-going story.
  3. Have you ever enjoyed a computer game? It may get boring after a while, but then you get a new computer game. That’s just like coming up with a new way to have fun in a dream.
  4. I don’t advocate this, but it’s a good example. Do old people get tired of sex just because they’ve done it too many times? They wish they can be young again. This translates well in dreams.
  5. You will never run out of planets to explore in a dream.
  6. Will you ever get tired of the great exaggerated emotions felt in dreams?
  7. Have you ever wanted to hang out with a character of a movie, TV show, cartoon, etc. that doesn’t exist? Will you suddenly get bored of meeting them?
  8. Powers in dreams. Will you ever want to stop learning new powers? Will you ever want to stop sparring?
  9. I am a composer, I will never get tired of composing.
  10. Artists never get tired of creating art.
  11. Will you ever get tired of doing the thing you love?
  12. You sleep and dream every night. There’s no point in missing out on the fun.

Anyone else want to come up with ideas?

Also, nobody said you have to think of something to do in you LDs. You can always go along with whatever dream your subconscious is creating.

i do parkour alot and in my dreams i run out of stuff to do… i dont want to bend reality and jump 50 foot over a building and go “look what i can vault” my dreams help me progress through problems in current life , like why i cannot hit a girl i like in taekwondo.

any who their will be no end to this Argitoth
so id rather like to hear what the author has to say.
if what you say is tru why woudl the author want to stop??? but the author does.

thnx ignotus
ps forgot authors name sorry :meh:

The author is obviously trapped in an endless lucid dream in whihc there is no waking. Thus he has never responded and never will.

hmmmmmmmmm. uess we can’t help him then. My work here is done.