Here’s some background first.
Well, I still haven’t reached lucidity yet (i think). My time schedule is kinda hectic so I dont have set sleeping patterns. Sometimes I get 4 hours of a sleep or sometimes I’ll get a good 8 hours. I’ve gotten to the point where I can remember at least one dream a night. Sometimes 2 dreams and that seems to be on the days I get a good nights rest.
Now what I can’t explain…
It’s happened to me a dozen or so times in the past two years so it’s kinda rare. What appears to happen is the instant I doze off into stage 1 sleep, I almost instantly have a dream. Doesn’t make sense since from what I understand dreams only occur in REM sleep which comes much later. Anyways, the dream looks real, feels real, and I’m aware I’m dreaming. Lucidity I suppose? Everytime this happens though, everything will quickly start to get fuzzy and 10-15 seconds later (so it seems) I eventually wake up. I can tell this happens almost instantly when I fall asleep because when I look at the clock after waking up, barely any time has passed since when I last looked at it before falling asleep.
Last night I had trouble falling a sleep and I kept looking at the clock. I remember looking at the clock and it was 12:(something) a.m. Well, I had this dream incidence last night and when I woke up it was 12:56a.m. In the dream I was at the top of a canyon that looked something like the grand canyon. I realized I was dreaming, and then instantly everything started getting fuzzy. I tried the spinning trick to stay lucid but about 10 seconds later I lost it and woke up.
Can anyone explain (if this is possible) why I am having dreams so early and would those be classified as lucid dreams? Maybe it’s my imagination and my urge to become lucid tricking my mind? I heard about something called “sleep thoughts”, but I have no idea what those are. Maybe that’s what it is. Any insight to all of this?
Another thought - when you miss out on sleep then you may have a ‘REM rebound’ the following night where your brain tries to compensate with extra REM sleep, this is especially likely if you only sleep 4 hours because the longer REM periods come after about 4.5 hours onwards. This probably isn’t the explanation, but it’s something to think about.
many times when i stay up late and start to fall asleep i’ll have really concise dreams in which something will jerk me back awake. for instance i had this dream as i was falling asleep in which i was running in my house and then i ran head-on into the cupboard. then i would get jerked awake as if to prevent me from hitting the cupboard. these short-dreams also sometimes occur when i’m trying WILD.
I understand what you mean by dreaming right away, somethimes i too have “dreams” right away but i think i know what it is. Most of these “dreams” follow a pattern. like what i was thinking about before i went to sleep. I dont think that these are dreams but more on the side of your mind rusing through the day and putting it into pictures (the brain thinks in pictures not words or anything like that).
Oh and you waking up after lucidity, i have heard a little trick that has worked for me everytime i tryed it. Hold onto something solid in the dream and remind your self to stay calm.
Also try and move very fast say stay lucid stay lucid. I always thought that if i stayed still i would last longer. Not true . actally the more you move the more you stay in the dream.
this happens to me once or twice amonth, I go to bed, hav a short and fuzzy ld and when i wake up 15 to 30 min has pased.all of thes lds start with me sitting on my bed knowing that it is a dream.
A few times I have been able to turn this into a longer and more stable ld
by laying down on my bed,reminding my self that I want a ld and then going to sleep (all this inside the fuzzy ld).
the day when I have one of thes dreams I always use the “wake back to bed” method, since it seems to work better on thes days (9 of 10 times it works).