Im trying the MILD method every night before i got so sleep, along with the RC, but…the problem is…when i keep saying to myself in my head while trying to sleep that I’m going to be lucid, i can’t fall asleep. it sounds weird…but my mind just focuses on what im saying, so i cant sleep. last night, i was laying in bed for like an hour and half saying in my head that i will become lucid…finally…i just gave up saying it and had to watch tv to put me to sleep…i need help. greatly appreciate it if some1 can help.
i’m like that… i usually just try to think more about the feeling of lucid dreaming, rather than just thinking in words “i’ll have a lucid dream”… this way you can get all cozy and imagine yourself in a dream (not directly, only the feeling of)… it usually works (not with lucid dreams, but it gets me asleep and i seem to be more conscious about my dream recall and everything)…
i might be expressing myself in the weirdest way… what i mean is i try and think about lucid dreaming (have it in the back of my head, while trying not to think about other things) rather than consciously thinking “i will have a lucid dream”
That use to happen to me too, but I seemed to get over it in time.
You could try changing your mantra to one that suits you better?
well…im not sure if that method will work for me. It sounds very doubtfull. So…I’ve been doing research. I found a way called the HILD Method, which everybody may or may not know. What you do is:
-go to sleep normally with your alarm clock set to about 4 hours after you have fallen asleep.
-once you wake up, make yourself relaxed for a couple of minutes and focus on dreaming.
-then, get in a position to fall asleep in and start to tap your fingers with the least amount of energy. make your mind seem like you are playing the piano or something.
-then say to yourself that you will do a reality check in the next 30 secs (or 1-5 minutes) while you are tapping your fingers. do not count the amount of time, just guestimate it.
-once you are ready for testing, stop the tapping and do the nose reality check. (that is pinch your nostrils together and try and breathe in.) If you can breathe, then you are dreaming. if not, relax for a few more minutes and start tapping your fingers and do the proccess again. If second time fails, just go back to sleep and try again later.
ive heard that lmost every time when doing this, you dream that you are in your room still trying to relax and tapping your fingers. once you realize you are dreaming, you will be in your room! so you can wonder your house or use the spinning method to go wherever you want!
ive also heard so many success stories on this. it is the most friendly one that ive seen, because you dont stay up for an hour, and it works probably more than 50% of the time. ill have to try it tonight and see tell me what you think about it.
I’me trying that one out at the moment. Hasn’t worked for me yet (though it’s come close). Most the time I forget to tap my fingers or to even do it…
… which probably explains my low success rate…
well i hope it works for me once it does…im signed up for a testing experiment with the Lucidity Institute in california…so i can help them out once this is goin good. i dont know if this method will work when i have school though
waking up and all that…
Did it work?
raises hands into the air may this thread live!
All I do is repeat the mantra over and over while slowly releaseing my concious mind. you dont have to focus on the words exactly. Just remember the intent. your suppost to set an INTENTION to become lucid, because the words dont make you lucid you yourself make you lucid, you have to just pay attention to your dream and become lucid. The mantra is suppost to help you remember this intention.