I will slight mod edit lay down after im feeling sleep.
I will tence up all of my muscles then let them relax and ill just lay there in a comfortable possision.
Within about 10 minutes I will start to drift off and dream about something that happened that day.
For some reason I wont remember im dreaming and will immediately wake up. Sometimes I can feel my muscles twitching by themselves and I swear my face feels like its dancing sometimes, but im not paralized.
Sometimes when I think my body is asleep and I dont want to move because I dont want to wake up, I will try to either make myself see something or have an OBE. Nothing ever works.
Can anyone help me?
I think it might help us help you if you describe which technique you are going for during this whole process. Regardless, from what it looks like, your situation with the muscles twitching and such is the beginning stages of SP. No, you are not yet paralyzed, but yes, your body is starting to make you that way. As the chemicals are released, your body slowly reacts.
Reply back with what method you are trying to use, and I’ll see what I can do for you ( or somebody else can take a stab at it of course ).
you know you could move yourself with your mind in a dream
anyways, it seems like you are trying too hard
take a break! this might give you that extra energy boost that is essential in lucid dreaming
but don’t completely forget about it!
read up on some stuff and try memorizing the techniques
just a matter of time before it slips into the mysterious (but lovable) subconscious… lol with emphasis on “a matter of time”
i mostly try WILD
sometimes before i sleep
sometimes after a nap
and i have school at 7:05 and normally fall asleep around 11/12
i wake up about 6/6:30
so i try to get to first or second period(each is an hour long and 20 minute homeroom before first period) and sleep and try WILD in there
it never works, everytime i feel im beginning SP or falling asleep i dream and just cant remember that im dreaming.