I can't recall my dreams, help!

changed the title - old title: hye guys help or guide pleeeasee

Hey all,
i never recalled any dream yet.
i cant do it, im trying…
help me please?

Do you have a dream journal? I suppose you have, since that’s the No. 1 DR solution :smile:

Other stuff you can try
-You should also try auto-suggestion. Tell yourself every night before you go to bed that you are going to remember your dreams.

-Meditation can be a fine way to improve on dream recall

-Leave a glass of water somewhere near your bed. Drink some of the water and tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up, drink some more water. This might help you remember.

-Get up about two hours before normal time. Or don’t get up, just wake up and stay in bed. Set your alarm-clock to go off after about 5 minutes. You should’ve fallen asleep by that time, and you might wake up right from a dream! Write down everything you remember for the dream.

-If you don’t remember any dreams when you wake up, simply write down everything you feel at the moment. Do you feel sad, happy, scared or do you feel that you’ve just had the experience of your life - you just can’t remember it?! Write down everything, you will remember eventually.

There’s of course lots of other ways, this was just the ones I could think of right now :content:

Yeah, i recalled 1/100 of my dream, i dont have DJor its just empty, can i go into my dream without recalling 'em using WILD?

That would work if you woke up immediatly after being lucid, but if you let it drift off to eternity it would be as clear as it is for you now.

Write everything in your DJ. Write that 1/100, it’s useful, really.

i recalled todays dream! i keeping dreams in my DJ in mind

That’s good! I guess it won’t be long before you have an LD :smile:

Tnx for reply, btw, im keeping in mind “photos” from night when i was 3 or 2!

wow i got into HI state staying aware but i was scared by… dogs on street

or it was HH?

Sounds like HI. Next time you can try to just “walk” into the images that appears.

How long did it take before they appeared that time?

PS. You can use the edit button instead of making three separate posts the next time :tongue:

i saw like im flying OUT of tunnel, black n white one
it taked 3-5 minutes i think

That actually sounds like an OOBE! I’ve heard about the tunnel-thing before.

Was this a one-time-incident, or has it happened before? Would be cool if you are a natural :tongue:


Try to also write your dreams down, keeping them in mind is good, but there’s nothing like a written dreamjournal to motivate one to keep recalling dreams. :smile: And it’s also pretty cool to read your past dreams every now and then.

Recall is my big problem right now too … I wake up vaguely remembering dreams (or strongly remembering that I was dreaming, but not what about).

I just started keeping a DJ (about 5 days ago) so hopefully that will help. (It’s got a couple of partially remembered dreams in it already … actually I noticed that reading these back, when I wake up/ before I try to go to sleep again, gives me confidence in a way, it’s like ‘Hey, I dreamt that and remembered it … so there’s no reason I shouldn’t remember whatever I dream next too!’)

Intention setting I’m kinda struggling with though. Repeating a phrase to myself feels odd, it feels more natural to focus on the intention (i.e. to clearly remember my dreams) without using words, i.e. on the feeling/ wish. Repeating mantras just feels odd, like I say … therefore I don’t really believe that this will work which means, I guess, that it probably won’t …? :neutral:

I recalled 2 of 3 dreams in 3 nigths… Flying out of tunnel was an HL or something but not a dream…

I’m sure it will. If all you remember is that you were dreaming, try to capture the mood of the dream. Also writing down phrases and scraps of images gives you good practise. I think also that bothering to write dreams down tells your dreaming mind that you think dreams are important.

And read the “BIG Remembering dreams” topic. There are tons of useful tips in it. :wink:

+1 day and 1/29 of dream recalled

a short one, i just said “What the heck this thing will do in RL, its just a dream”
then i woke up…

Congrats Zaba and keep it up! :wink: First LD’s are often short. Did you manage to increase your dream recall yet?