I can't stay lucid

I have been trying lucid dreaming for a little ove a month now, and I have had 5 LDs. Most, if not all of them have been DILD. I Often start doing someting in a dream that I wouldn’t normally do, and them realize I am dreaming. For example, I was acting in some sort of movie, and I always messed up and I thought to myself:

“Why am I doing this? I’m a bad actor. Hey I’m dreaming!”

On my first LD, I got excited and immediatly woke up. I have gotten better at staying calm, but I still can’t stay lucid. In my LDs, I can never think clearly, and nothing looks any more vivid than in my normal dreams. Usually I lose the lucid state immediatly, but sometimes I hld on to it for longer. Only once was I thinking clearly enough to try to stay lucid. I tried the spinning technique. When I stopped spinning, all I saw was blackness, like the kind of blackness you see when you close your eyes. Then, I realized my eyes were closed, so I opened them and I was awake! So much for staying lucid…

So, does anyone know how I can stay lucid and think clearler in my dreams?

Nobody can. In LD, we are really stupid ! :tongue: It’s not we are stupid indeed, but we act and think in a strange way.

That’s common. Be patient, it will increase with experience.

I try this method twice with the same result ! :grrr: Perhaps it was because I closed my eyes ? When you lose the vision, a good method is to rub your hands. The vision comes back.

In your LDs, look regularly at your hands. Rub them from time to time. Don’t close your eyes. :eek:

Perhaps try to make some simple math exercices like counting from 1 to 10… I heard it can help to increase your rational side in LD. But is it really important to increase the rational side of your mind in an irrational context ?

In my recent LD’s closing my eyes has helped me to start flying. But as a rule of dumb: do not close your eyes, chances are that you most probably lose your lucidity :content:

Yes, all the low level lucid dreams I’ve had (about 4) have been no more vivid then my other dreams! Hope I see all the vividness everyone is always talking about when I get better.

Hmm. I’ve had about ten non-vivid lucid dreams, so it’s not just you. I actually lost interest in lucid dreaming for about two weeks because I couldn’t do it right. Then, as I fell asleep on my couch one night I had a five minute, truly vivd lucid dream. I spent almost the whole time jumping as high as I could (wasn’t really high at the time) ><

Alright, the only tip I can give you to keep your lucidity and keep the dreaming going longer is not doing anything that you can’t do in RL. Beleive me, it works wonders. For Example, a few nights ago I experimented with it. I realized that I was dreaming when a school bus I was in got smashed into a lake and it starting sinking impossibly fast. I tried to get out but I was stuck, and I ran out of breath. Then I was able to breathe! So I figured it was a dream. In my dreams for some reason I’m not “stupid” and I could think clearly, and even remember things that happened that same day as though it were still RL. So I remembered reading about someone telling someone else to do the same thing I’m telling you, which is don’t do anything that you can’t do in RL.

So I followed along with the dream and it lasted 15 whole minutes without losing lucidity. It was strange, because my mind knew what I was supposed to do even though I was lucid…

Then last night I had another lucid dream upon which I did the normal things that people do in lucid dreams (flying, and the other good things wink wink) The whole thing lasted around 20 minutes. Could just be cooinsidence, but I think that the doing nothing technique helped.

Also, while you’re doing nothing keep repeating to yourself “I’m lucid” or “I’m dreaming” I used I’m lucid, but it’s all the same

Good luck to ya!
