My quest for lucidity is truely frustrating, and hasnt gotten me anywhere at all. all ive gotten has been nightmares, and long uncomfortable nights.
For all you lucid experts, please, tell me, what is your most successful technique? the one that you try to use every singe night? and exacly, how do you do it?
i need as many tips as i can on your best technique, but i dont want to go too far. that includes things like meditation or having to have music on all night. im also not too fond of waking up 6 hours after i sleep, but if thats your best way, then also try to include your 2nd favorite technique.
i have recently found that wilds are almost useless, and are going to only work with months if not years of practice. is this true? what am i doing wrong? i really cant take wilds, the uncomfortability overcomes me no matter how my mind is concentrated.
i really wish there was a technique that was perfecet for school nights. It seems that wild is the only way, but its not perfect.
Getting frustrated will only make your goal that much further away. Just keep trying with a good attitude and you’ll get it. Tips and information on techniques are everywhere on this forum…
It sounds like you need some rest, and a good break from some techniques.
Focus on your dream recall, and start a dream diary. Don’t bother yourself with techniques for a few weeks. Sleep when you want to, and how long you want to(or can.)
Eventually try a simple MILD method. Before sleep give yourself an intention “I’m going to notice I’m dreaming” … and then let it go. Don’t focus on it long, but “really believe” it and have confidence.
Most importantly, don’t lose sleep over it! Frustration is a big hindrance to lucidity.
If you go to bed early and have a good sleep scedule, the MILD method should be good for school nights.
If you don’t like the way SP feels, you can still WILD. I almost never get SP when I do it. Try focusing only on what you can see and this works best when it’s dark. After a while you should start getting shapes and colors. If you keep focusing on what you can see you will soon get images that will disappear after a few seconds. If you keep on focusing you will be able to sort of go into the HI and then you are inside a dream and you are fully lucid and all this without any SP at all
And as usual with WILD this works best after you’ve been sleeping for 3-6 hours or so. But you can still practice it when going to sleep, but I’m not sure if you can WILD with this tech when going to sleep though, I haven’t been able to do it yet.
yes, i suggest just to lay off. i never got anywhere when i started, but i just stopped trying and it started happening. at first once a week, then 3 times a week, then almost every night. just give it time.
well im no “pro” but I do suggest you try the WBTB method. I know its hard waking up and staying up for an hour and then going back too sleep but trust me its worth it. I have been progressing quite well with this method. good luck!
Sorry to hear your having such trouble, although I’m far from a pro, my deduction would be that diffrent methods work well with diffrent people. Try something diffrent for about 2-3 weeks. For me, MILD is working perfectly fine, with RT every 30-40 minutes was my sure fire way to lucidity in about a week.
I don’t think meditation is needed at all. I don’t think that would help lucid dreaming at all. Some might think so, but I think lucid dreaming and meditation are kind of in the same family, so I kind of just brush it aside.
I have never heard of playing music all night. I used to do that, but for non-lucid dream purposes. I just liked to fall asleep to my music. This set me up for a few bizzar moments in my dreams, but I don’t think I ever became lucid as a product of it.
In my opinion reality checks are the way to go. WILD is too difficult and WBTB can get annoying if you need to be up by a certain time everyday. For some reason I have trouble waking up the second time.
Reading everyone’s experiences reality checks seem to be the most successful way to become lucid. The most effective meathod I have read is looking at your hand.
That means look at your hand many times when you are awake and it will seem normal to you while you are awake. And if you do it enough, you will eventually end up trying to look at your hand while dreaming, just as a habit, and it will probably be altered in someone and it will hit you and make you realize what is happening is really a dream.
After that I strongly recommend dream spinning, which is just spinning in place to stengnthen your awarness and to ensure that you do not wake up.
That is all I have to say. Sorry if someone already said all this stuff. I didn’t read the posts because I’m not the one that needs the help.
A break may be a good idea.
Remember though that if the method you are using is giving you no results after a long period - simply try something else. It can take a long time to really find out which method works best for you, and the mind has a nasty habit of freezing up on you if you try to force one technique for too long. My advice is to try lots of different methods - keep it moving and this keeps it interesting. Make sure you give each method a fair chance though (weeks), and you may find that you get a breakthrough. If any one method gives you even a little bit of success (a few seconds of lucidity for instance), chances are that this method is worth persevering with.
Good luck!
Every morning, dream recall. I’ve a notebook and a pen near my bed. I don’t write all the details down, it’s just to be sure I don’t miss a LD.
Before sleeping, relaxation. Then I use autosuggestion, repeating 25 times :“This night, I’ll be aware I’m dreaming” or “this night, I’ll have a LD”. Then, I remember my last dream (that’s why my notebook is useful too) and searching for strange events, I imagine that I become lucid and do what I planed to do. Then I’m observing phosphenes and I sleep.
I often wake up naturally in the midst of the night, so I write my dreams, I get out of bed and read some pages about LD, then back to bed, autosuggestion, etc.
I’ve about 60 LD’s so far, 5 months of practice and no one WILD. Very few people find WILD easy.
I don’t agree. DILD’s methods (based upon RC’s and autosuggestion for instance) can be used without disturbing your school rythm. Moreover, it seems to me that a good dreamer like Siiw doesn’t practice at all during the week, only during the week ends, and she has regularly about 6 LD’s a month.
You have to find LDing habits which fit with you life style.