A month or two back, I was at school reading about lucid dreaming, and I couldn’t wait to get home to try it. So I skipped the rest of my classes. It didn’t work that day, but since then, I’ve had five lucid dreams I could control, and quite a few more that I was lucid, but just let the dream play out as it was going.
In my, most controlled dream, I superman-style fly up into the air, but I had trouble turning! I was sort of trying to…swim through the air. I realized it would be much easier just talk walk around, and so I quit trying to fly, and continued the adventure walking.
In another dream I had, I was in an old bulding, and I decided I may as well fly through it, but once again, I couldn’t turn in any other direction, so each time I would near the end of the corridor, I would have to walk around the corner.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could make this a little bit easier?
It’s fun, but it’s frustrating, because there’s really so much I’d like to be doing.
Thank-you, and sorry about my post being long! >_<
First of all, congratulations on your lucid dreams
“Swimming” through the air is a relatively common way people try to fly, I guess because swimming is the closest thing to flying we ever really experience.
My guess is that your problem here is that–trite as it may sound–you don’t believe you can turn while flying. Try to gain a higher sense of control in your dreams, say, with reality checks, and shouting “INCREASE LUCIDITY.”
I know how you feel, you just wanna do what you want and want it to work…the problem is that you do need self confidence in your dreams…in fact you need it more than in real life to be able to control your dreams
Your subconscious controls your dreams so if you believe that something is not possible, then it won’t be…you’ve just got to work on believing 100% that anything is possible and then it will be
I imagine that I have wings to help me ride the wind and make me aerodynamic.
Self-confidence is a big key, but once you learn how, the ability never goes away!!
I don’t ever remember learning how to fly correctly in dreams, but ever since I started LDing, my dream flight has become advanced. I’ve never fallen into the “swimming-in-air” state again even in my ND s.
Well, my solution when flying is to make your commands vocal. So if you want to turn left, dont think it, dont just say it, DEMAND that your body make a left turn this instant or there will be hell to pay! (in other words just be really confident about it)
You can also try commands as: Stop, Slower, Higher, Faster, etc.
Hmphh. Good ideas. I tried flying again, and i went straight up, but it was too dark to see anything or go anywhere, so I tried to make it daytime, but then I lost lucidity.