I command, and so it is.

After a lengthy respite from lucid dreaming in general, I have returned to the art with a piqued interest. I have taken into account that, as an almost complete inverse of the real world, the dream-world’s reality is based heavily upon our expectations, conscious and sub-conscious. For this reason, I theorize that one’s success in lucid dream control is correlated, at least in part, to his confidence in his dominance over his own mind and dream. (A confidence that we could possibly see in his waking life.)

I, for one, have acquired very sturdy dream control in my last two lucid dreams. My method was simple: “Let there be X.”

Yes, like the God of the Hebrew Genesis, I merely proclaimed that my will be so, and it was so. For example, I proclaimed, “Let there be…”:

(In my second to last.)

  1. A mighty storm.
  2. Much lucidity. (This idea is not my own, it works perfectly, though, in heightening perception. It’s a must for any lucid dream.)

(In my last.)

  1. A great tower.
  2. An iron suit, (to resist the vacuum of space. I’m aware that we won’t actually ‘explode’ in space, but my sub-conscious wasn’t.)

The trick, as I’ve said, is faith in yourself. I hope that my account can be useful.

Yep. I feel that thinking about how something can be accomplished only limits you more. Just believe it happens or act like it did already.

Sometimes confidence can be tough. I suppose i should have confidence because i KNOW that having confidence will let me succeed with my control. Good post.

This will be my new mantra :happy: