I confuse thoughts and dreams

Hi the community…
I have a problem again…
So my problem is that I confuse THOUGHTS and DREAMS. For example I remembered a souvenir in my memory and I could not tell if it was a dream or something that I thought.
it’s really weird and I appreciate some helps with all your experience :smile:.

When I was kid I had a dream where a dog had attacked me and I fought him.For years I used to believe that it was real.I realized that was just a dream last year when I started learning lucid dreaming.For almost 17 years I thought that it was real.

When something that happens in waking life and you feel kind of deja vu and you don’t remember when was the last time such thing happened chances are it must have happened in a dream.

When you start getting vivid dreams thoughts get confusing with dreams.The solution to your problem according to me is recalling your dream the moment you get up.Record it every bit of it.When you have decided that this is it these are the dreams.You wont confuse them with thoughts.

Be careful with day dreams in particular.Remain aware. And try to chain your thoughts.keep recalling what you were thinking and before it and again before it…keep chaining.

Thanks. I see what you mean… But I have also this problem when I am trying to remember a dream after I wake up

In that case you should learn to have a good recall.

Before going to bed make affirmations that the moment you wake up you will recall your dream.Do not thinking about your daily routine when you wake up.Just try to recollect the dream.

A way to differentiate thoughts from dream is that Dreams are like short movies they last for minutes.They run in sequence where as thoughts are like they come and go another one comes and goes.They are very rapid.Dreams consist of continuous imagery.