I conquered a dream

For years I would have these horrible dreams where I spent the night running, chased by some unknown figure. I was always only two steps ahead, ducking through doors and hiding behind piles of trash. But I could never escape, and I never saw who was following me.

Then a few nights ago, I was being hunted by a monster. I ran through the trees and up hills, trying to stay out of sight. Then, as he got nearer, I realized there was no way to escape. So I turned around, and when he caught up with me, I stabbed him in the face. He just stood there as I plunged the blade repeatedly into his face and neck.

Somehow, I don’t think those dreams will come back.

Hey, congratulations! I believe you’ve overcome your nightmare. They won’t come back. :wink:

That’s one way to do it. :tongue:

Good job facing your fear.