I could use some advice...

I’ve been in pursuit for lucid dreams for a while now, I’ve had about…5 or six in I think… a 2 year span, I’m not sure. the thing is these Lucid dreams were not clear and they would end fast (Like 5-10 seconds) I stopped for a while and got back on it. Im testing out WILD, MILD and WBTB. The wild has been a little difficult for me as I would fall asleep due to not seeing the imagry like I had before (I used WILD and got straight to the imagry right away). MILD im going to test out more and so will I test out WBTB, I will of course keep trying WILD though. I mean, it shouldent take more then a year to have a CLEAR…Lucid experience. I know It can take some time but I dont know whats the deal. I get about 5 hours of sleep, 6 at the max and I slleep in late sometimes on weekends. Im a high school student. Is there any “HARD HITTING” tips, any solid gold advice I can get to increase my chances so I can get this thing down? I really appreciate anything I can get.


First I would recommend you to get some more sleep, 5-6 hours is not enough in my opinion, and it differs from person to person when it comes to how long it takes for a person to get a “CLEAR LD”, could take more than a year or it could take less than a week. There are many factors involved when it comes to having a “Clear LD”.

When it comes to the solid tips, I must say that I really do not have any except that meditation might help, and try to get somewhat more than 5-6 hours of sleep.
Oh yeah, when it comes to the WILD, I dunno how to explain it but make sure you do the WILD technique correct. Also try using WILD after you used WBTB (same night). Since I am bad at explaining stuff I will let someone else try. If no one else replies, then PM me and I shall try explaining it to you.

Then after all this…
Just keep on trying. :cool:

Tip: Don’t wish an LD so much, I heard that wishing too much can make you don’t have any LD at all