I had a good ld last night but the interesting thing was this. In all my lds so far i am very exicted when i reach that sate, as most of us are i think. I ussaly lose controll on purpose to keep inside the dream, so i can become lucid later, or i just wake up. This happens when i havent had a lot of lds and i am trying to get back into it.
Any way, in this dream, i went lucid and had no fear of waking up, because i couldn’t and i didn’t care.
I went throught the dream and the other dream characters knew they were dreaming and they couldnt awake either. Very interesting. I was under the impression that the whole world was asleep and couldnt awake lol. I spent a long time here about 15 minutes, and this is a long time for me.
And my last statment is this. Ever just breathed in the dream? i did. I breathed and felt everything. My self others, the whole world and the lightness and darkness all around me. I t was one of the most touching things i have come accross in any dream