Just thought I might share an experience I had last night:
I had been having lots of dreams, some lucid, but then at about 6 I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I had my alarm clock set at 7 to wake me up for school, but at about 5 to 7 I thought I’d have one last try to get to sleep. I became lucid straight away, and was annoyed because the dream was really vivid but I only had a few mintues, and sure enough it only lasted a few mintues. Then the false awakenings started, I keep on thinking I’d woken up then something weird would happen and I’d notice I was dreaming and then try to wake myself up since I knew I had school. But I just kept on having false awakenings. This was really annoying because everytime I had one i’d get lucid, so I wasted heaps of good lucid dreams. Then when I finally woke up, it was 7:30, and my alarm clock goes off every 5 mintues for 30 mins, so I’d slept through that somehow and had 30 mins of false awakenings. Some weird I noticed is that when i finally woke up I was really really tired, while I had been wide awake and not tired at all just before.
That’s pretty cool…Weird, but cool. Your alarm must not have been that loud or something. But I guess you were thinking so much about waking up that you continually dreamed it, LOL. You should have said “to heck with school, I’m going for the LD’s.” One must have priorities, you know.
Intresting to see one after another and so on. That happen to me a couple of days ago. I started to dream and something triggered me that i remember seeing something off their shirt that gave me the de Ja Vu feeling, right then and there i knew i was dreaming, then i took it lucid, and tried things different, b/c i’m dreaming. But then i woke up with the same situation, in the same steps, and taking lucid in the same order, about 3 or 4 times. Everytime it happen, it seemed all new untill I figured it out i was dreaming. I understand how it was wasted lucid time, b/c its the same thing over and over, in my case. I’t felt like my head was playing games with me or something. It didn’t get to the point of being annoing, b/c i was happy that i kept making my dream lucid, when i woke up though i felt like i could of done more though.(like go through a mirror, i haven’t done that… …Yet!) I am having progress, its been a while too… so i am happy
Just wanted to say that I had one of these FA after FA dreams and it really pissed me off cos after a few of them ruining what I was trying to do I couldnt be bothered so I actually WANTED to wake up (woah, I know) but I still kept having them and it pissed me off cos its the most/longest LD I’ve ever had and it was used for FUCK ALL!!!
Wow weird and kinda scarry esperience u had there Jabbervock! Its good that u knew u were always dreaming cuz u knew u had school…but what bad luck to get so many FAs Sukx taht u were tired as well after all of that >_< Maybe since u had so many lds in the morning u can experiment w/ this good luck and have fun