I DID IT! I FINALLY DID IT! I had my first clear succesful LD! It was very weird but awesome! I think i did WBTB with it tho becuase i woke up at around 6AM and the sky was dark blue, i went to the bathroom and when i came up i went back to sleep repeating “I will dream and i will relise im dreaming,” And then i had a dream of watching TV in my room. In that dream i relised i was dreaming, and then i said “Increase Lucidy!” and everything went black, and i could still talk.
I said “What is going on?” Then i woke up in my bed, but something wasnt quite right, i mean it was really clear and it was morning, but my entire body felt asleep, like when your foots asleep. I did a reality check and i could breathe through my fingers, so i was very happy! I went down into my living room and it went unclear so i shouted “Increase Lucidy!” And it worked.
I went outside and everything got unclear once again so i yelled that line again and it worked again! I ran as fast as i could and i jumped to try to fly but that didnt work, plus i got distracted by a man around my dogs. I went to him and grabbed his wrist, i tried to throw him but he was to heavy, so i said to my self “Give me super strength, without big muscles” lol, then i threw him. That is when i woke up.
I woke up IRL but i thought i was still in a LD and i yelled “Increase Lucidy” And after that i did a reality check and i wasnt in it anymore but for shouting Increase Lucidy IRL i was afraid i might of woke someone. lol
Anyways what did you think of my first succesful LD? also right after i woke up i couldnt move and my body still felt asleep like when your foot asleep, i also got that body feeling through that entire dream!
i asked them and they said no, but there was something else weird about it all. The dream seemed like a really long dream, but when i woke up to goto the bathroom the sky was dark blue, and when i went back to sleep and had the LD i woke up and the sky looked exactly the same, dark blue, the same color and everything. Do you think i did WBTB?
Lol, thanks, i hope that i have another one tonight, which i doubt but i cant say that! I have to think i will dream! So i will Lucid Dream tonight!!! lol That LD was the weirdest dream i have ever had, but it still wasnt as clear as i thought it was but it was clear enough for me! I hope tonights is clearer, LOL
Woohoo! WBTB really does work, I didn’t believe it was right for me at first, but I “accidently” did it and I LD’ed that night Congrats on your awesome LD It’s so exciting isn’t it? Good luck on further LD’s in the future.
lol, thanks. It was the greatest experience i have ever had in my dream world/sleep! Maybe even some of my life! I cant wait till i LD tonight. I hope its even more clear!!!
thanks, them other dreams might of been LD but i didnt get the feeling i got from the clear LD i had! I still havent had a LD since then but i cannot wait till my next one! Thanks everyone for your help on doing this and thanks for your support!