Well I think I finally had an LD I am so excited!!! But I read somewhere there is something called a FLD, which i might have had… Heres what happened:
I was in a dream doing dream stuff (just counting giant piles of skittles) and there was a guide talking about something, and then he said but this wont matter later because you’re dreaming! And I just sat there and said to myself “I’m dreaming? I am dreaming.” Then I just waited for the dream to end, because apparently that’s happened before. But then nothing happened so I got up and started spinning, because that is the number one thing I have wanted to do in a lucid dream because I’m pretty sure I have done it before and I haven’t remembered it, but in the back of my mind i do remember. Anyway, the spinning feeling was AMAZING! I felt like I was spinning through different dream scenes all with my eyes closed! Then I opened my eyes and I was just staring in black, so i quickly shut my eyes and spun some more and I think in another corner of the field with a girl following me, (she was a girl from a tv show I was watching before bed) So I asked her, “Do you know this is a dream?” and she just looked at me funny, then I had forgotten her name from the show, so I asked her, and she told me the correct name! It was so incredibly cool! So anyway I did a lot of things in the dream, I lost control a few times, but I said increase lucidity and I rubbed my hands together a lot. I also looked at my hands, so weird! They like blurred out of my vision then came back, then blurred again, and it was crazy!
Anyway, I am soooooo HAPPY, I didnt even do anything I just had a lucid dream. I definitely have some goals for my next LD, make it more clear, and do something very clear. Also, my lucid dream was very real during it, but after waking up it became fuzzy like it wasn’t a memory of me doing anything, but a it was a dream of me doing things. Does this happen to everyone?
Congratulations, it will become easier and easier from now on.
It’s pretty normal that a lucid dream might feel very vivid and life-like while you are having it and then feel a bit fragmentary when you wake up - that’s because just like normal dreams you can forget details of your lucid dreams; but it definitely tends to be easier to remember lucid dreams, no doubt because you are more aware in them.
I recommend that you slowly work your way up from here, so you don’t try too much stuff at once.
You probably noticed in this lucid dream that even the most trivial things from real life were exciting (when did you feel excited over looking at your hands in real life, or example? ), so no matter what you do, you will find the dreamworld extremely fascinating and unexplored.
It’s a good idea to spend some time just looking at things and touching things in your first lucid dreams, just so you become familiar with them.
Basically, train all your senses and respect the dream setting for what it is, then carefully work your way up from there.
Thanks! I will definitely try and explore a little bit more, and just get a sense of my dream world. I haven’t really discovered any dream signs yet. But i’m sure I’ll discover some later.
Keep it up, and don’t be discouraged if it takes some time before your next lucid dream,that’s completely normal.
Also, dreamsigns don’t necessarily have to be very obvious, they can be very ordinary things.
For example, if your dreams often take place in your house or if you often listen to music or whatever then those things are valid dreamsigns, or if you often feel very strong emotions then those feelings are also dreamsigns.
In short, dreamsigns can be defined more or less as “something that your dreams have in common”, and that could be all sorts of things.
I always find that I have the most vivid dreams (and most LD’s) right when I first get back into LDing. Which is unfortunate because that’s when my recall and control are worst
Congrats on your first LD! They’re so exciting! I remember having such a good time just feeling a pine tree once…it was so real!