i did it! my FIRST LD!

now, i’m not certain if this is a post that belongs here, (i thought there was a BIG “my first lucid dream!” thread, but i checked around and either there’s not or i completely overlooked it. my bad.) but holy hell, i achieved what i thought was impossible last night. i really lucid dreamed.

a log, copied and pasted directly from a blog post earlier:

[spoiler]this is how it went down.
well, last night i woke up at 3 AM, cramping horribly. the red tide is here, have i mentioned? i took some ibuprofen and went back upstairs to go to bed. and i very quickly did. sleep came very naturally.
and then i woke up again. i clambered out of bed at once and went to go potty.
then i came back into my room and noticed for the first time that it was really dark? i have string lights hanging about, so my room is dim at night, but not dark.
and even with them in place, my room was pitch black. and my outlet strip was strewn across the room instead of tucked close to the wall. i figured something was wrong, so i unplugged one of the lights and plugged it back in.
then i sat back down in bed, but something still wasn’t right. i noticed yet again that my room was extremely bare. very clean, very underfurnished. the only things here were my bed, my desk, and my dresser.
and that even though i locked it when i came back in, my door was wide open.
and so, thinking nothing could come of this, i closed my mouth, held my nose, and tried to breathe. and unlike the million billion times i tried before, when my ears would pop, when i’d have to sniffle for several seconds afterward, when i’d be left disappointed,
i breathed.
and immediately, ridiculously clearly, i knew i was dreaming.
i sat still in amazement for a few minutes, making sure i didn’t wake up from this. and kind of just feeling and touching everything? everything felt exactly how it should, and that amazed me. then, suddenly, i lifted my head and looked at my balcony door, and decided to do what i’d planned to do many a time once i got my first lucid dream.
i ran directly out the door, leapt over the edge of the balcony, and i flew. everybody says that it takes practice to fly, but that shit came so naturally to me. i jumped off my balcony and i was suddenly in an endless sky, with no earth below. no earth on any side, in fact. this place is called caelum. and one day i might explain what that is.
but, i commanded the sky to be day, and it did. the night sky suddenly blinked into day, and i did infinitely many corkscrews and tricks and shit, going through clouds and divebombing and shooting up through massive cumulonimbus clouds. it felt amazing. i felt my stomach turning like i was in a rollercoaster.
see, for a really long time i’d had this extremely comprehensive list of everything that i wanted to do the very first time i gained lucidity, but i forgot all of it last night. all i wanted to do was fly, because it was the most incredible thing in the world.[/spoiler]

so yeah. i didn’t use a technique, so that could turn out to be a problem for me considering i did no preparing last night. i wasn’t anticipating a lucid dream at all. so now i won’t know how to recreate this, but STILL. it doesn’t matter now!

did it! again, sorry if this doesn’t belong. i can’t believe this finally happened to me. after so, so many months.

Congrats! You say that you didn’t prepare, but clearly you’ve done countless reality checks and often enough wondered if you were dreaming. That’s what gave you this DILD and will do it in the future as well. And the fact that you didn’t do anything before going to sleep could have helped too, since trying too much to get a lucid dream can be counterproductive. You should be more confident in your ability to get lucid now that you’ve done it. More lucid dreams will follow for sure! :smile:

i want to thank you for your congratulations, letaali!
and… huh. i suppose i did prepare, in a kind of extremely roundabout way, then. i’m just shocked that it took so many months for a reality check to really work. and i had a feeling in the back of my mind that over-anticipating an LD the night before did more harm than good.

so is it true, what people say? that after the first lucid dream, it becomes easier for more lucid dreams to follow? i’m wildly excited about that. maybe this first lucid dream will finally be the key for me.

After trying to get one for almost 8 months, I got my first proper LD. It’s still one of the oddest and most interesting starts to a lucid dream, because it started in a state between a dream and being awake. I recall a dream ending where I was in a castle being chased by a demon. Stuff happened and the dream ended. Instead of waking up, I suddenly heard “I’m dreaming” ( I had counted and repeated “I’m dreaming” before falling asleep during WBTB ) and realized that I wasn’t awake, but I was floating in complete darkness. I like to call this darkness the void. Visited it a few times after this. I was moving forward towards a blurry image and saw my hands, because I wanted to have something to focus on. I waited until the blurry image became clearer and I found myself in a dream.

Anyway, my point is that the lucid dream that followed got me really excited as well. I believed in myself and that I could do it again. In less than a week I got another lucid dream. Lucid dreaming is all about your mind. Confidence is important in getting lucid and doing stuff while lucid.