Ok, so last night, I had a dream that I had AT LEAST once before. It was exactly the same, and in the end, it always turns out the same; my friend, the brother, is killed, and his sister is kidnapped. I knew what would happen, and I chose to try and prevent it. In the end, I did, but then the killer/kidnapper came back for revenge, and I was so scared that I woke myself up.
As I look back, I controled myself, I felt things like in waking life, it felt VERY real, and it seemed to feel very similar as my last lucid dream. But at the same time, I wasn’t aware that I was dreaming, and I didn’t ever come to that realization until I woke up.
What do you think?
this means you weren’t lucid although from your actions it’s very likely you were semi-lucid, I’ve had a bunch of those. Normally I’m aware I can do anything I want and can’t get hurt, but without actually realizing it’s because I’m dreaming
I do have a ton of semi-lucid dreams, but throughout this dream, I had this feeling like it wasn’t real, but I didn’t have that “WOW I’M DREAMING!!!” moment…
All of my realistic feeling dreams are always scary, because I always think about what will happen to me and what the consequences are for doing this but my stupid DCs’ just do it anyways. I have these about once a month.
You werwn’t lucid, but that’s the kind of dream that you can become lucid in. You need to recognize recurring themes in your dreams and keep reminding yourself that the next time you find yourself in one of those scenarios, you’ll be dreaming.
I think the term for that FLD (false lucid dream) its where you behave like a lucid dreamer but dont actually have the “GREAT SCOTT! IM DREAMING!” moments like you do with an LD>
It’s the same thing with me, I hate those dreams that I had before, because I played every time exactly the same way, just like you said, and never become lucid, and I should because everything is exactly the same and familiar, but sometimes I think that I can more easily achieve lucidity in some strange dreams that happened for fist time then it those familiar… It’s just annoying…
Just kill yourself the next time (but make sure you’re really dreaming first ). You’re gonna probably have a FA. Which will be more lucid.
Beat, suicide in dreams doesnt always work, I have tried myself (it was in an ND by accident and I managed to stay in dream ) sometimes you instead lose all senses and start up in a new dream
I agree, although, I once got lucid by getting shot. It still hurt, but it healed really quick, and without a RC, I was lucid!
I’ve looked down on myself dying in a dream once, no pain. It just sorta kept zooming out until I woke up.