i dont know if im doing anything right

cus when i usually have to go to bed im not that tired at all but my mom forces me to sleep…anyways i jus close my eyes and tell my self that im gunna lucid dream and i inhale and exhale and stuff like that so i dont think bout anything else but it didnt work cus after that i jus go blank when im asleep for awhile then when i dream i cant think so i cant tell myself hey thats not right i must be dreaming!
one time i tried picturing myself standing in my room and looking at me as i layed in my bed but that felt really weird. but the other night i was jus was laying in bed so i closed my eyes and started to think about a dream that i had the other night and jus kept saying to my self i am dreaming,al though i did not lucid dreaming i had a very vivid dream that night…anyways how do you guys think in a dream? like when im in a dream and i see my 7 year old cousin driving a car how do i tell myself that that is not real?

In normal dreams, thinking just doesn’t work - it’s habit and practice that lead us to realize that things aren’t right, and that we are dreaming. Every now and then it just happens… For me, I find it’s as if I’m remembering something I’m supposed to do, like if I tell someone I’ll meet 'em for lunch - and then forget about it until 5 minutes before I’m supposed to be there. The idea just comes suddenly.

In lucid dreams, thinking can also be muddled. For example, I might have trouble remembering what I wanted to do or I might do something completely different even if I do remember. On the other hand, thinking in a lucid dream can also be as clear as during waking hours - it all depends…

…just don’t ask what it depends on! :tongue:

If you want to be more aware in a dream, you have to first be more aware in real life. How do you expect yourself to think something is weird unless you question reality as well :tongue:. Practice Reality Checks whenever you think you’re dreaming, wich I would suggest to be very often. Take a closer look at things, when you hold something, pay attention to how it feels. With enough practice in the real world, you should start becoming more aware in your dreams.

I hope this helps :sad: I feel I’m saying the wrong things most of the time.

It sounds like you are trying WILD when you go to bed. This is not the best time for WILD. You also do not say how long you have been trying. For some people it can take a long time befor they have the frist LD.
Do you have a DJ?
Have you looked for dreamsigns in you dreams?
Are you doing RC’s?
Some people can just “want” and LD and then get one, but most of us have to work at it. :bored: