Well I had this dream that I have had before and I forgot it. It was super vivid. But I do remember one thing. I was in it like liteary I knew I was dreaming so I said I will do a RC and then… nothing happened and the dream kept going. I tryed to do it but it was like I was frozen and someone was contoling my body. Then I woke up and then I was transported back to the dream and then I woke up and got out of bed suprieamly confused.
Someone can you tell me what could this be?
Maybe it was… the devil!!
If you don’t like that explanation, maybe the RC caused you to start waking up. Your dream body froze probably because you were trying to move it IRL since you were about to wake up. You do wake up, then fall asleep, and continue where you left off. Nothing too uncommon about that. Strange things happen in the night.
i find that my subconscious starts acting to nullify my lucidity once i become lucid. once i’m frozen, I sort of just “flow” out of the block. Moving won’t help, I just imagine myself floating out of the block and voila i do find myself floating up.
Well Actualy I never did the RC I couldn’t because I wasn’t in control. Today I remeber 3 dreams a new record.
Well infection that means when u get lucid your lucidity brings or connects you to a inbetween dreaming and waking stages…if you really stayed in dream stasge this wouldnt happen…you could try some voice commands to realx deeper…so first gave control away…relax, let go , then use voice commands to make a change like you want it.
I still haven’t had a lucid dream yet, but in my dream last night… My friend morphed into a cat and said she learned how to do it in her lucid dreams. lol And I didn’t think anything of it.
I just re-read all my old dream diaries and a theme that I noticed was how when I’d start to become lucid thru noticing some inconsistency in the dream, my subconscious would always come up with the perfect distraction! Why does it dooo that?