Why would someone want an OBE over a lucid dream other than to experiment? You can just do more in a lucid dream, can’t you?
Someone please explain…
Why would someone want an OBE over a lucid dream other than to experiment? You can just do more in a lucid dream, can’t you?
Someone please explain…
Why would one want to ski while he allready knows how to skate?
I think it’s more like why would one want to sky dive when he can already jump off a rock?
Maybe I’m interpreting wrong. Can you please elaborate?
Sky diving may be more fun than jumping off a rock to some.
Exactly.Here you have ppl believing that obes are more than an ld and therefore want to taste “different level”.Also because Obes are said to be less common than lds and you usually want what u cant have:)so on so on,many reasons.
Its different -thats propably best answer.
I think its just because its something else to try…having one maybe makes someone feel specail…hm…I dont …hehehe
Just look at my avatar-it definetely makes one feel “special”
i can’t see ur avatar i jus see a box w/ a X but i no what it says as i’ve seen it b4, pretty funny 2, jack the sex god, at first i thought it was Jack Thes Ex-God, lol man im stupid
Lol, I think I phrased that wrong. What I meant to say was “I think it’s more like why would one want to jump off a rock when he can sky dive?”
The majority of responses so far have basically been along the lines of “Why not, it’s something else to try.”
An OBE (by definition) is not a LD. It’s the actual process of leaving the body and seeing the real world from an alternate and mobile perspective. My question is, why the hell would anyone NOT want to do this? In theory, you could explore real-world places, spy on real-world people and generally not waste any of your life asleep.
In my person opinion, OBEs are just LDs. I think anyone who claims to have left their body and floated around looking at the world was simply have an LD. There have been experiments conducted in an attempt to verify whether this is the case or not, but nothing conclusive thus far.
how about this for an explination.
I am in love, the girl i love is currently 300miles away. The only way i get to see her right now is via Astral Projection (obe) sure i may not be able to interact with her or talk to her, but at least i can see her. The real girl not some dream version of her.
I can see wat she’s doing, i know that she is safe and i know i don’t have to worry about her.
how do i know it’s real? I ask her on the phone if what i see was correct, i have had future seeing dreams but hey. You tell me that i just Lucid Dreamed the whole thing and it was just a coincidence that it was real? well what are the odds? 1000 to 1? million to one? sheesh with them odds i’m doing the lottery lol.
I have never cared what “sceince” has to say, science can’t even figure out how the universe was created, how the brain works, or pretty much any one else. hell not that long ago sceintists swore that the earth was flat.
my philosophy; if you did something and you have fact to back it up then it was real. OBE is NOTHING that can be proven, we all dream but some people don’t remember one single dream their whole life - how can you prove to that person that dreams are real?
if you ever had a real OBE you would understand, without having one you can only speculate. Sure maybe they are what we think, i can only tell you what i know.
i astral project, and the things i see are genuine and on asking the persons whether it was real and they confirm it.
just my 2cents
One time I was talking to my friend, and she told me she’d much rather astral project then lucid dream. I was just like, “What? Are you insane? That’s like choosing reality over fantasy!” But then I started thinking about it… Astral projection, if it is real, is exploring the physical plane, but from a different point of view. You’re soul actually leaves your body, while you travel around the earth in an invisible form nobody else can see! Lucid dreaming is just conciously exploring what’s inside your own head. lol when I put it that way, AP really does sound more interesting …
They are like two engines of travel, one for the internal, one for the external. I would want to try them both.
One question: Explain to me scientifically(spelling…) what happens when you leave your body. What comes from your body? Why it comes from there? How it can see, hear, travel…
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And I don’t belive in astral projections. OBE’s are one kind of LD to me
Perhaps, if they are real (I dont know if they are or not) no one can scientifically explain them at this point, just like how 1000 years ago, we couldn’t scientifically explain how a bird flies.
I’m not saying they are real or don’t exist, I’m just presenting a different perspective on explaining them.
there is no scientific explination because scientific knowledge on anything is limited.
science is nothing you want to base your life on completely, science is VERY flawed.
Like i said not long ago the world was flat and all the scientists agreed, not long ago Space travel was ridiculed as being insane and impossible but hey we put a man on the moon.
but when it comes down to the human body science knows absolutely dick, scientists don’t even know who the brain works they barely understand how our bodies work.
Science is reluctant to believe anything to do with OBEs and Astral projection because few scientists would admit that we have souls lol. Science is flawed, as a species we are very young. We maybe technologically advanced but we know nothing about ourselves, where we came from how we work, dreams, ap, ld, obe are well beyond science and scientific knowledge.
maybe in another hundred years they will catch up enough.
Its like wanting cardiology and endokrynology to explain love:)
I don’t see the point of your post at all. I personally base my life entirely on science. They don’t know all the answers yet, but at least they’re trying. The fact that it takes time to properly understand many elements of life seems to give you reason to throw away all trust in science whatsoever.
I’m only going to say this once (on top of the hundreds of times that I’ve said it before): Science is not there as an alternative to religion. You seem to be one of those people who think of ‘science’ as this big lumbering black demon intent on proving that God does not exist. Science is just the name given to any research conducted with the intention of discovering how something works.
As we can clearly see while going about our lives, there are some underlying rules that apply to everything we do. We know that in order to carry something large we need the help of a tool designed for that purpose. We know that we can’t walk through walls or fly over tall obstacles. Science is only there to discover why we can’t do these things. It exists to create an understanding of what rules govern our lives, and how we might use them to our advantage. Without scientific observation and experimintation, we wouldn’t be right now using one of the previously uncontrollable forces of nature to our advantage. (I’m talking about electricity, of course)
Now, given the set of rules that science has discovered (gravity, physics, particles) it seems apparent that certain popular beliefs simply aren’t possible. When we say ‘possible’, we mean allowable even after applying all of these rules to it.
Science is the search for the answers to life. Religion is not the search for the answers to life. I know the above (offending) post had nothing to do with religion, but this is for anyone who thinks that it is acceptable for the term to ever be written: Science vs. Religion. Science doesn’t claim to have solved the mysteries of life. Those laws that exist here and dictate what we can do don’t necessarily mean anything outside of the physical world that we live in. At the moment however, science has a good understanding of what does control our lives while we are here.
I agree with both Insane_goth and Atheist. I beleive in both OBE and science…but science cant explain everything…new theories come and old ones go. The human mind is soo complex that i dont think we’ll fully understand it. Science can give us some information on things like weather, our earth and help us out, but to explain things like where we come from and how it all started is not possible.
Me and a friend pratice a bit of OBE’S. She alot better then i am (by far). She can tell what im doing and theres no possible way she couild know…hehe fun though.
I’m like Atheist when it comes to science.
I would also prefer it over any religion any day, not that it is there as an alternative, like Atheist said, but its based on facts that have been proven, and your not basing what you think you know on just assumptions or faith.