I’m going to ask this typical newb question: “how long does it take (most people) to accomplish LDs on a fairly at-will basis?”
Don’t get me wrong now, i’m not someone who expects a magic pill or spell or something and all of a sudden i’m going to be an LD master or anything… I know whats up… I know it takes commitment, dedication, practice. I don’t expect anything particularly quick or easy, but rather how long, assuming dedication, practice, etc, would it take most people?
erm… i think its very dependent on the person…
i can tell you my “story”
some day, surfin some drug-info-page… saw link “dreaming”… cool
a few links… interesting…
i think i spent the entire night feeding my brain with LDing… at 5 o clock i went to bed… an had my frist LD : ) damn blurry, damn exited, damn short.
but this kicked ass… so i tryed techniqes and stuff… for the next LD it took ~ 1 month… and this was the frist real good LD… vivid… so real, i made 'bout 30 RC before i did something strange… now i am ~ 1LD per week, when i don’t have to work, more…
hope it helps… (a bit)
I became interested in dreaming way back in my senior year of high school (1994) and started writing down all of my dreams and sharing them with one of my friends at the time, who started doing the same.
About three years after that, my aunt gave me a book about dreaming and there was a whole section about lucid dreaming and learning to train yourself to be aware when dreaming and I was hooked on the idea. It took me a month or so to have my first LD after that but I wasn’t even trying to at that point. I was only in my reading/research phase and hadn’t yet tried any of the techniques that I had been reading about. It was a spontaneous occurance.
Now to be honest I have tried only a few techniques once or twice but have really been to lazy, busy or unfocused to keep at them and even so my rate of LDs is up to at least one a month (a couple of months ago I had three in a week.) So I think that what is important is finding what way seems to work the best for you. Just keep trying different ways to stimulate your awareness of your dreams. My favorite thing to do is think about them and relive them as well as I can when I’m awake. I write them down short hand right when I get up and then in length later on in the day when I have more time. Dream meditation is my bag and I think it helps you recognize your own dreams when you’re in them.
I learned about it in late October, 2002, near the beginning of my 8th grade school year. (Obviously I haven’t been doing it that long…) I was doing a project on dreaming (which, I might add, won grand prize! shows what a great topic it really is) and, while, surfing the web I came upon the Lucid Institute’s website. Then I found this one, and after lingering in the shadows for awhile, I joined and have been posting ever since! Well, at the end of the project I really slacked off, but I’m back with a fury! (Fury=approx. 35 posts, lol)
My first LD came 5 days after I first heard of it. It actually wasn’t a bad one, and it was definitely very inspiring. Since then, I’ve had about 10, I think.
But it really does depend on the person. Some people are better at it than others (that’s why we have those crazy people called naturals).
So best of luck with your first one. (I assume you haven’t had one…right?)
with lots of people posting here, we can find an collective average. Me- I just had mine today- when did I join…? Oh let me look at my profile…
22 Jun 2003 ok I found this site on the 19th… today is the 3rd now…
2 weeks then. To be honest, I had many lucid moments where I woke up right when I noticed I was dreaming the first few days. The more I thought about it, the more lucid moments I had. Eventually I lost interest and did a passive approach instead and it got me this nice lucid dream one week later. My suggestion then: Try hard. Think about it a lot. If anything wierd turns up, do a RC. Oh yeah I had milk and cheese every day since I joined but I doubt that makes much of a difference.
The 2nd one was 10 days, 5 days after the first, so it was exactly the same as the first. After that, it gets really random. 3rd - 2 days later, 4th - 4 days later, and after that there was a good bit of time between the lot of them.
[slightly OT ]
so what’s this erowid site then? there are quite a few ppl everyday who come here by clicking on the link over there (see it in my stats).
for some reason i never got by the links page (eg the referrer to my site) and didn’t understand what the site was about until after your suggestion and i typed the homepage and ‘about erowid’ Thanx
ok to keep on topic:
my first LD was after i read about it in the book ‘creative dreaming’. i thought this was a neat idea and first night trying (MILD related technique, just telling myself consciously i was going to sleep and dream) it was bingo. But it is different for everybody. Important thing is to don’t WANT it too BADLY with your mind - cuz that works just against you.
You have to have an intent, which is a bit like wishing but consciously wishing. difficult to describe.
You know, like ordering in a real fancy restaurant. You don’t say: I WANT. No. You say: i’d like to have the boeuf bourgignon s’il vous plait.
A bit like that.
Ah, thanks pasQuale! I’ll try being more polite, see if that works
At the moment I am telling myself “I WILL have a LD, I WILL have a LD”
P.s. I found out through erowid too! I was looking for info on nutmeg, heared it can do weird stuff for dreams, looked in the dreaming section et voila! I come to this wonder of a forum. Thanks, erowid!
ok, i guess im the worst dreamer among us
im gonna be honest, no idea to lie to myself, or to all of you
i had to wait for about 3-4 months…it was a year ago and im not very good at it now, about 1 per 1-2 month
(have to add that when i started i barely had any dreams)
thanks for that info pasquale. I think that might my problem, i forgot that but you got it back in my memory.
nuh uh! alayambo has been trying for like 2 years now. still nothing. But like, shes like, i dunno, slow or somehting. oh by the way she hates me hardcore style.
hehe, after not giving a shit in whether im gonna have a ld or not as pasQuale advised me to do, guess what happend this night??
again thanks pasQuale!!!