I-Doser Lucid Dream Dose...?

I-Doser is a binaural beats software used to replicate the effects of certain drugs (like marijuana, cocaine, acid, etc). I wasn’t interested in it at first (seeing as I’m not interested in drugs, even if virtual), but then I noticed they had a lucid dream preset. I couldn’t keep myself from downloading it, but I’m a little skeptical. For most LD binaural beats, you’re supposed to listen to them while you’re falling asleep, right? Well, this one’s made to be listened to right BEFORE going to sleep. Does that change the effects? I’d like to get an answer from someone who’s tried this before or maybe just someone who knows a little more about binaural beats than I do.

Thanks in advance!

I don’t think that it would cause any effect or is that when you meditate? :confused: I would like to test it if you just give me da link.

You can download it

I don’t know whether it works or not. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m planning to tonight. It’s really important for me to know, though, because this information is crucial to my science fair project that I’m doing (that happens to be due exactly a week from now! :bored: ). It’s testing whether binaural beats can induce lucid dreams or not based on the frequencies. But this kinda throws me off a little, and I really need to know some stuff about it.

:eek: I have my Research Proposal for Hnrs Bio due this week too!

I´ve used I doser for LDs and it did give some result, not exactly a LD, but some improved consciousness in my dream… since that I stopped using I doser and started searching for lucid dreams on the net…
maybe it´s just placebo but it did work for me

I will give it a run tonight, it is 1pm now, woke at 11am. Way too late to try now, but before I snooze, I will surely give it a go. I hate science fairs, partially why I decided to home school, such a waste of time. :wink:

I have heard of binaural beats before, they help with a lot of things, and if you know how to do it you can implement them into your songs. I have no idea how to do this though, so I wouldn’t be one to ask.

Edit: Just listened to a bit of it, very relaxing and odd I must say lol. Anyways, I have a few questions. Am I suppose to listen through the whole 30 minutes before sleep? Can I fall asleep to it? Am I required to sit up while performing this activity or may I lay down?

to get maximum effects, you have to be very comfortable, in whatever position you want to be, you MUST use a headphone and you should listen to the whole music…
stay awake all along, then go to sleep

I see. So I listen the entire 30 minutes while staying awake in a comfortable position, and then go to sleep. The headphones are no problem, I have my brothers and parents that don’t want to hear excessive noise while they sleep lol. This seems do-able and easy for my life style. I cannot guarantee that I will do this every night, I don’t always have my ipod on hand. I will however do it as much as I am able to.

I am curious about one aspect, I listened to 30 seconds of it… I was wondering if someone who has listened through the whole thing, does the noise change, noticeably?

It does change. I tried the dose a few times, it din’t do anything for me. I just have a natural immunity for things like this :razz:

Usually things like this only work on people susceptible to hypnoses. Unfortunately, I for one don’t think I can be hypnotized. =/

I tried it last night, and it was weird! I listened to it lying down in bed, and it made me so comfortable and relaxed I felt like I never wanted to get up. I felt kinda lightheaded, and I wasn’t bothered at all by the length of it–I was completely content just sitting there listening to it for half an hour (which isn’t like me at all normally!). Once it was over, I turned off my MP3 player and tried to go to sleep…which didn’t work. I think it was the Mountain Dew I had right before listening to it…oops. Maybe mixing low-frequency brain state-altering sounds with caffeine isn’t such a good idea. I’m going to try it again tonight. It did make a noticeable difference in my state of mind while I was listening to it, though, which means that hopefully I’m susceptible to binaural beats.

kT4all: Wow, that’s weird, I’m in Honors Bio too! I turned in my research plan awhile back though…now I’m just getting down to the time in which I really have to focus on my project.

I have a theory on how these things work. I don’t think its messing with your brain waves. I think its hypnosis. To hypnotise some one what you do is: first you relax the person very deeply and try to get them into a trance and then into hypnosis. Then you give them a post-hypnotic suggestion ( You will beleive your Elvis) and they act goofy.

I think the I-doser music puts you in a deep trance and relaxes you and then you take the title (Acid, Lucid Dreaming, etc.) as the post hypnotic suggestion and thus creates that state for you. Thats why it works for some people and not for others, some people are more likely to be hypnotised than others. I wouldn’t say its a placebo, I would just say its Hypnosis which is much more powerful than a placebo in my opinion.

i have i-doser , but for some reason or the other , im not really receptive to binaural beats anymore …

hey post Nr. 590

time to make you lose the game

Finally I am trying it tonight before bed. Seeing as how I have been up yet again for a long period of time, I doubt I will have a LD I can even remember. I did some independent research on Binaural Beats for the past few days, and found out some other cool LD type of BB’s. For example, noted as being meditation beats, it is a beat that takes you from alpha to theta state. Theta is the dreaming state, so I am assuming that even though it is used for meditation, it would be extremely useful for performing WILD or even falling asleep to.

Beta – the common brain frequency when awake and active.
Alpha – as you relax you switch to this frequency.
Theta – you enter the theta state when dreaming; theta state can also give visions during meditation.
Delta - deep sleep.

It could be useful for WILD because it is meant for meditation, however it is still advised that you follow the WILD techniques, don’t just fall asleep to it. This means keep yourself awake! Here is the link: thethoughts.co.uk/thoughts/binaural-beats/

Obviously you would go to sleep to it if you had no intention to WILD, so go ahead and give it a go. I however need to try the LD binaural first. :content: These things freak me out, make me feel light headed too lol. Listened to an energy boost today, and it was creepy. xD They honestly make me feel uneasy.

Keep in mind that in your experiment, there is no way of knowing whether this is a placebo or not. =/ Either way, if it works, it works. Imagine that, BILD…

yesterday I´ve tried the lucid dreams dose in the evening and went to sleep, and didn´t remember a dream, but I slept only 1:30 hour in the evening…
but, in that day, many people told me things about lucid dreaming and how I can have them…
well, when I went to sleep at night, I don´t know if it was I-doser or all the counsels, but I remembered 3 pages in the journal of dreams and had two LDs!!! my best night in like 7 years…
P.S: when I was hearing this dose, my hands started moving by themselves when I touched my head… very strange

Interesting! I still unfortunately haven’t found the time to use it… =( A lot to do in WL, hardly any time to sit awake for 30 minutes before bed. I won’t lie, I will try this as soon as I can find the right sleep, otherwise it will prove itself null. =/

13 days later…I would like to add on to this. For one thing, that link is warez as you have to pay for the Lucid Dream file. And two, that file was converted to MP3. That means it would only have a little effect if any at all because of the compression of the file. If you really want to make it happen you should buy I-doser with Lucid Dream their site. There are guides on how to convert their .drg files to .wav and still keep the max effect. I’m about to try it right now, and hope it works. Took a few mins to convert the file and get it on to the PSP since thats the only music player that seems to play .wav just fine. Anyway, the mods should really remove that link. I pre-removed it from the quote for you :content:

I’ve only tried the first dose. It didn’t give me any lucid dreams, but it increased my dream recall and dream vividness. I might try the second dose when I get the chance.