Not that anyone really CARES hehe… but I do! So there They were really nice to me too because I was crying the whole time haha. It was the best day of my life. So if anyone makes any negative comments to me because I’m bringing up Hanson, I don’t care, you won’t dampen my spirits.
Well they originally came out in 1997, when they were 16, 14, and 11. It is now 2003, and they are 22, 20, and 17 (almost 18). The middle one is married, and has a son that is almost a year old now.
They’re very handsome eh?
As far as popularity, they have a very loyal and devoted fan base. Their music is probably not what you would expect either, if you judged solely upon “MMMBop”. That is really their most pop sounding song. The rest are more story-teller, almost folk type songs. Very reminiscent of 60’s and 70’s era James Taylor type music. *Only better… haha *
And now that I’ve typed up a report on Hanson… lol… ahem