I got an Idear for a 'type' of dream

yeh many times ive woken up from a dream, but stayed in bed and kept my eyes closed. mebbe rolled over into a more comfortable position then immediatly resumed the dream i was having…whether you could train yourself to increase the ‘renewal’ time or not is interesting to think

yeah, I can do that too. In fact, I got lucid that way. I recently found it’s called linking or summit (i forgot… :eh:).

But we’re talking about here is going to sleep. Dreaming. Waking up and do everything you’d normally do in the day. the next night, go to sleep and renenter the same dream. Repeat whenever you want, and lead two (or more lives).

What if right now you are doing this very thing you speak of? You have been living another life, and everytime you re-entered you would get more and more into it, until eventually you forgot it was a dream reality but now think it as real.

Now thats just a weird idea, and i dont really think you can get to that point, but i do think that if you were to live a different life and whatnot it may effect your waking life, in a good or bad way depends on your interpretation. Hey maybe you could not live more than one seperate life but a unified whole consisting of multiple lives, heck maybe this is a variation of reincarnation. :smile:

Another idea is that what if you actually got stuck in such a dream, and building on the time-dilation theory and the possible limitation of such (which i dont think there is, but lets just say there is for the moment) then if you got stuck time would march on in real life (ah if you lost control of time dilation) and you could end up being in a coma, hey maybe thats what a coma is, a stuck ND’er (or LD’er even). Again the ‘good or bad’ thing is brought to question, i dont think there is a good or bad, i mean you could be stuck in a coma but totally lucid and so totally free in way…unless you get the plug pulled on you however it could also be that youre totally lucid but cannot seem to wake up though you want to and then you get the plug pulled on you aw man that would be horrible! Then again what if you didnt care about if and when you died, and just enjoyed what you have while you have it? :content: then again, again, what about those youve left behind? :cry:

Sorry if that kinda scared you and its totally off topic! (characteristic of my long posts) :shy:

But anyways i have wanted to do this and i do believe in the idea of infinite ‘time’ dilation or that you could live a lifetime in an infinitely small amount of ‘time’ in waking reality. Heck if you wanted, you could become an immortal and live for eternity within an infinitely small amount of time in waking reality. It reminds me of my philosophizing days (again yeah i know :tongue: ) where i got an idea that if you were to live an eternity in your dreams, what if such were to go on but that you would wake up in this reality and live normally, while still living an eternity in your dreams? Kind of hard to explain, its like since it is an eternity, and you still have to consciously wake up and live IRL, then its like the eternity will get displaced (or lived through in an instant and yet not so)…god if i was still philsophizing id probably be insane now :shy: … I wonder if i would still hold this idea true now that i believe time to be nonexistent, like the creating of a new ‘present’ woa i’ll stop myself now lest i go to sleep after posting and never come back again… :eek: (To get a little personal, i like these non-philosophizing days better than the philosophizing days, i have alot less of a burden on my mind, to be honest i dont really like philosophy as much as i used to, i feel it has no point and is futile, that there are far more important things in life, like life) But anyways i guess time dilation depends on how aware you are of the present as well as the given situation.

Ah there need be no explanation

Ah life is but a dream :smile: and oh how wonderful a dream it is

Wow i think i read somewhere or watched a movie or or something about the idea of LD/OBE/Shared Dreamers who go into people with comas and try to bring them out, wow you would have to have total people skills and be like a Psychology major and a LD Major :wink: , oh wait now i remember it was an idea from the movie ‘The Cell’.

Wow with this paragraph i just made this my longest post ever (i dont know actually if its my longest post, or if your even reading this or skipped over it or just fell asleep on your keyboard and are having a dream about the forums hehehe :smile: maybe dreaming about my nightmarishly long posts!

Hell yeah, longest post I’ve seen in ages.

Has anyone seen the film ‘Flatliners’?
I’m gonna have to watch it again, 'cos I THINK it’s about people who experiment with dying, so they are for a split second ‘flatlined’ and then brought back. And I THINK they go into a kind of, other life…like being unconcious brings you the dreams…the short views of your real existance, in a mixed up way, but in actually ‘dying’ you experience the whole thing properly…or am I getting two films muddled up here?

Anyway, it’s a cool idea, 'cos a few of the people who I’ve met that have been in a coma have said they didn’t believe this was reality anymore cos of the ‘real’ experiences they had while in the coma…but then again, the rest of them and anyone I’ve talked to on the net who’s been in one said nothing about this…so it could just be liars, or a few dreamers…or something.

I’m ranting about crap…