I got pretty close to having an ld

A couple hours before going to bed last night i drank about 4 liters of water. Then everytime i had to go to the bathroom i did a reality check and examined by bathroom. THen i went to bed, and in my dream i was about to use a urinal and then i decided to do a reality check at that point the urinal fell down and i caught it. SO then the dream was getting less clear. I wanted to look at my hands but i was holding on to the urinal that i didnt want to drop. So it went away. But tonight i will try again and forget about holding on to the urinal.

you should try to RC before being in the bathroom and if it succeed go somewhere else ( except if you like pissing will being lucid ) ← hint : a fun thing to try

'till next time

I agree with you, pissing just isnt that much fun

Might work for you. I find that bathrooms are very strange in dreams. That could be a good dream sign for you.

It has been suggested that your mind is trying to stop you from pissing by making toilets dirty and all. :tongue:

Sometimes they are not dirty. I had one dream where the urinal was a huge elaborate fountain.


i dont know if it is just me… or i dont know anything…

but intent and will is the best way to induce lds… just wishing it… TELLing your body that it is time for an ld… best way to induce… maybt it is just me…



When you think about it. That is all MILD is. Your intention to recognize you are dreaming the next time you are dreaming.

Happy Dreaming

see, i don’t want to try the water drinking thing just yet(i still havent had an LD), because when i have an LD i want it to last. but, would it be easier to have normal LDs if i had one using that method?

Well that method may only work for me, and im no pro. But having a long lasting ld the first time is difficult anyways. CHances are, upon realising your dreaming you will get excited and wake up. So my advice is to try to have an ld any way you can, then after you get good, work on the duration

Are your bladder paralyzed during REM sleep? I have never trusted it to be. :confused:

No, it isn’t, but you can piss in dreams without doing so in real life.