I had a really strange experience. HELP

My name is Abhay and It’s been 2 months since I first entered the world of lucid dreaming. Now, last night I had very strange experience in my dream. The dream environment was my house and I did my usual set of reality checks. I stared by looking for my nose(didn’t work), breathing with blocked nose(didn’t work) and then my favorite (which happens to work every time) counting my fingers. So I had 11 fingers and I became lucid. It was all fine till now.
After this I was confused, so I went to my mother and asked “Is this a dream or reality ?” and she was like “WTF !”
I repeated my words and she became all angry and furious over me. It was like I had done something forbidden in the dream world and after that I lost my lucidity and I guess the dream changed too.
So I wanted to ask, are the dream characters opposed to lucidty ? Why is it that after I become lucid, I have no control over it.I’ve become lucid many times but I just can’t control it, it’s not like I wake up but I just can’t go along with it. In short have fun !

It’d be a lot of help if you guys could help me figure it out.
P.S. - Ignore my bad grammer too.
Thanks !

I’ve never experienced it myself but I’ve read many times that DC’s tend to turn hostile when you try to tell them that the situation that they are in is a dream. I guess changing their natural state usually weighs toward some kind of hostility…

Well if you think about it it’s exactly the same way in WL. Same may consider it and other will react aggressively. But in a dream the thing is that if you are lucid enough then your DC’s will know that they are in a dream, they become self aware which means they know that they are figures in someone else’s dream which means you are subconsciously aware which means you are conscious and aware because DC is you and you are DC…

It may be the though of your mother not accepting the fact that you LD.

I think that was either just you or a one time thing, because I’ve heard of people who train dream characters to tell them they are dreaming. And I’ve tried to make dream characters self aware and they didn’t attack me over it.

Well from what you said, you were confused and asked your mom if it was a dream. Right away that states you weren’t fully conscious yet. That’s why you had no control. But for all the other times you were lucid, I’m sure it has to do with your lucidity level being too low. Make sure you’re doing your RCs in the correct state of mind, consciously. Regards to DCs opposing to lucidity, my answer is no. DCs are honestly very random, and they vary depending on the person. I’ve heard of helpful ones, SGs and then you have hollows that just don’t know anything, then you have evil ones. :razz: Its different for everyone.

Thank you everyone for feedback. I guess I’ll have to work on increasing my lucidity level. The reason I asked my mom was the striking similarity with my house, there was not a single glitch in the design which left me confused even after the reality check.

i don’t get what u mean here. if ur lucid, how do ur DC’s know ur dreaming?

Well if you assume that DC is part of you, your conscious and subconscious mind then if you are lucid enough then they are too. Like I said they become self aware.

For example you walk in a bar full of lawyers. They know who the layer is because they know each other, right? The minute you walk in they all look at you strangely because you just don’t belong.

The same thing is when you are lucid and your DC aren’t. When you say to them that you are lucid and that this is all a dream they look at you funny or even get hostile. If you get into the law school they might except you(you are lucid but just enough to know that this is a dream and you have some kind of control) but they will still hold you on the distance. Once you graduate and become a lawyer and you start to work in some kick ass company they will accept you as their own and you will become the whole, the one. At least that’s how I see it.

When you are lucid enough your DC’s will be lucid to - they will know that they are dream figures… They will accept the idea of being part of you… Once you experienced it you will understand it…

I can give you the example from my dream, the way how my level of lucidity manifested in dream:

I was walking down the street with a girl, we were hugged and I was talking to her how this is a dream that I created. That everything is just another reality completely different from physical. As I was explaining to her I was accepting the dream reality and I was becoming more and more lucid/aware. As there were other DC’s walking down the street the more aware I became the more DC’s had aiming symbol above their heads and they lined up behind me and started to walk with me. They knew that I was their “leader”, they became the part of me…

To quote from my favorite song:

[center]"I’m the king of my own land.

Facing tempests of dust, I’ll fight until the end.

Creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me!

Now and forever, I’m your king!"[/center]