i had a stange scene in my dream...

I was sleeping over at my friends place and i had the most amazing dream, i was on my friends bed…same position as when i woke up, but it was like her bedroom had been extended it there were no walls anymore, instead it was like you were walking out into ancient rome…or an expensive mansion, i was looking out at a huge semi circle of marble tiles, that had been carefully layed out, and at the edges were the poles that you would see in rome, that heild some sort of shelter, as i looked further on i could see the sky…it was amazing and felt like i was actually there, this dream gave me a feeling that i havn’t felt in years it seemed so reall…i was woundering if anyone could clarify it or anything? i can even draw an outline of it… :neutral:

Hi remada! First of all… welcome to LD4all! :smile:

That must have been an amazing view indeed! Can you describe the feeling you got upon that scene? Do you have any connection with Rome? (or did you perhaps saw something about Rome on TV the day before?) I don’t know if it could mean something, except for the fact that it was a really vivid dream… Apart from the view, did some events took place in the dream? Or did you meet other persons? Every detail can be important to help you interprete it in the right way.

Well i guess the feeling was when i see an amazing piece of art work, i see alot of art work, but it seemed so unique, it felt like this place was so untouchable…like it if i actually got up and looked around i would brake somthing…but nothing happened i guess, i didn’t meet anyone and do anything, i think i was in to much of a shock that my dream seemed so real, and the day before i hadn’t seen anything of the relation that i could recall…

Hm hard to tell how it could be interpreted then… You could try to find it back in your dreams, by dream incubation, or if you’re familiar with LDing, by searching for it in a LD.